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Digital Seminar

Working with Asian Diasporic Communities: Culturally Responsive Strategies for Treating Intergenerational Trauma and Acculturation Stress

Monica Band, EdD, LPC, NCC, ACS, CCC, CRC
6 Hours 25 Minutes
Audio and Video
Feb 02, 2024
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
Never expires.


There is no universal “Asian” experience. The Asian Diasporic community is incredibly diverse and these clients encompass people from various countries, languages, religions, and traditions.

As a therapist, navigating the intricate tapestry of backgrounds and experiences care can feel overwhelming. How can you make sure you’re getting it right without becoming a cultural expert?

But here’s the thing, you don’t have to be.

In this training I’ll show you how you can create a therapeutic environment that truly understands and respects the unique needs of each Asian identifying client…

…all without feeling like you need to understand every nuance or reinvent your therapeutic skills.

So watch me, award winning mental health therapist and educator, Dr. Monica Band, LPC, CRC, NCC, ASC, CCC and learn how to apply an intersectional and culturally responsive lens when treating the diverse range of prominent issues within the Asian American and Asian Diaspora communities. I will help you:

  • Effectively address and support clients when they share experiences of racial hate and discrimination.
  • Break down cultural barriers surrounding mental health issues within Asian American communities.
  • Navigate diverse communication styles and non-verbal cues to connect authentically with clients.
  • Customize assessments for precise diagnoses and personalized treatment.
  • Offer culturally tailored interventions for maximum client engagement and treatment commitment

Finish this training with concrete strategies and memorable case examples so you can apply an integrative, trauma-informed approach to your work with the Asian Diasporic Communities!

Purchase now!

Dr. Monica Band


Planning Committee Disclosure - No relevant relationships

All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners.  For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.


PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 6.5 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.



Monica Band, EdD, LPC, NCC, ACS, CCC, CRC's Profile

Monica Band, EdD, LPC, NCC, ACS, CCC, CRC Related seminars and products

Mindful Healing Counseling Services, LLC

Dr. Monica P. Band is an award-winning practicing mental health therapist and educator on a mission to make mental health care more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for the next generation. She has dedicated her clinical work to better understanding and facilitating healing dialogues around intergenerational trauma and cultural identity work within her shared communities. Dr. Band has advanced training in utilizing EMDR specifically treating attachment wounds and complex trauma. She provides adjunct instruction for universities, train the trainer workshops, subject matter consultation, and interdisciplinary partnerships to destigmatize mental health for people of color and LGBTQIA+ communities.

Currently, Dr. Band owns Mindful Healing Counseling Services, LLC, a mental health group private practice that serves the D.C. metro area. She obtained her doctoral degree in counselor education and supervision at Marymount University and her master’s degree in rehabilitation counseling at The George Washington University.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Monica Band maintains a private practice. She is a subject matter consultant with The JED Foundation and a subject matter expert with The AAKOMA Project. Dr. Band receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from Psychotherapy Networker and PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Monica Band has no relevant non-financial relationships.

Additional Info

Access for Self-Study (Non-Interactive)

Access never expires for this product.

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  1. Identify how historical, sociopolitical, and environmental factors impact the therapeutic relationship.
  2. Develop strategies to broach culturally relevant conversations.
  3. Facilitate development and exploration of racial identity.
  4. Apply the concepts of Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and Racial Identity Development models in session.
  5. Summarize the impacts of race, ethnicity and other aspects of privilege and oppression.
  6. Utilize somatic strategies in session to address attachment and intergenerational trauma wounds.


Engaging in the Asian Diaspora Historical Grounding and Cultural Considerations

  • Ethical standards for culturally competent practice
  • Identify evolving terms of reference for the community
  • Overview of common stereotypes and biases
  • Barriers to help seeking and social determinants of recent health and mental health statistics

Theories and Case Conceptualization for culturally responsive care

  • Understand the historical influences on Asian Diaspora communities on racial identity formation
  • Code of ethics
  • Challenging stereotypes
  • Intersectionality, Critical Race Theory, and Racial Identity Development models
  • Exercise: Strategies provided of questions to ask during intake

Integrative Models in Treatment

  • Culturally responsive intake process
  • Address attachment and attunement wounds in session
  • Explore themes of belonging, identity, and individuation
  • Explore themes of familial expectations, assimilation, and acculturation
  • Case example: Forming goals with IFS on identity and trauma


  • Somatic issues and transference
  • Introspective exposure
  • Narrative: Personification and first-person narrative
  • Identify parts: IFS imagining techniques, room techniques, unburdening
  • Broaching: Trauma based on Eastern vs. Western parenting
  • Case example: Address somatic dysregulation
  • Exercise: Value-Based Living

Exploring Themes of Attachment

  • Differences in abandonment vs. loss
  • Guilt and sacrifice bond
  • Ambivalence as a “safe” option for attachment
  • Decoding love languages with intergenerational considerations
  • Deciphering independence from lack of availability

Overcoming Limitations of the research & Potential Risks

  • Diversity within communities limits research and understanding
  • Shame, stigma, language barriers impact rates of help seeking
  • After-care post sessions to address somatic issues
  • Lack of representation within the profession
  • Evolving and changing needs

Target Audience

  • Counsellors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Case Managers
  • Addiction Counsellors
  • Therapists
  • Art Therapists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Other Mental Health Professionals
  • Nurses
  • Physicians

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