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Prof. Alan Rosen

Professor Alan Rosen Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Professor (Professorial Fellow), School of Public Health, Faculty of Health & Behavioural Sciences, and subsequently Illawarra Institute of Mental Health, University of Wollongong, Australia, Clinical Associate Professor, Brain & Mind Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Australia, Deputy Commissioner, Mental Health Commission of New South Wales (2013-2015), Research Psychiatrist, Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health Services, University of Newcastle, 2004-13 & Visiting Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Far West LHD Mental Health Service, NSW (1985-present). Former Service Director, and Former Director of Clinical Services, (retired April 2009 after nearly 30 years of service) Royal North Shore Hospital & Community Mental Health Services, Sydney.

Alan Rosen was Senior Specialist Psychiatrist, Service Director, and then Director of Clinical Services 1979-2009 of the Royal North Shore Hospital and Community Mental Health Services, which received the National Community Outreach Award for 1990 from the Australian Hospital Association. and Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Services Gold Achievement Awards in 1992, 1993 and 1995. He is Professorial Fellow, Illawarra Institute of Mental Health, University of Wollongong and Clinical Associate Professor, Brain & Mind Centre, Sydney Medical School,, University of Sydney; Research Psychiatrist, Centre for Rural & Remote Mental Health, University of Newcastle, & Visiting Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, Far West Local Health District Mental Health Service in NSW.

He was recipient of the lan Simpson Award, Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 1994, and the Margery Johnston Award, Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill, 1989; co-author of the Life Skills Profile, 1988, the Area Integrated Mental Health Service (AIMHS) Standards 1993 , 1995 and the National Mental Health Standards 1997; Chair. National Clinical Reference Group for the Australian Mental Health Classification and Casemix Service Costs Study, 1997-8; Chair, Early Intervention in Psychosis Steering Group, NSW Department of Health. 1997 - 2004, Secretary, Comprehensive Area Service Psychiatrists Special Interest Group (CASP); and Steering Committee Member, The Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Conference of Australia and New Zealand, Inc.; Member, National Mental Health Outcomes Measures Expert Committee, 2002-, NSW Mental Health Outcomes and Assessment Training Steering Committee 2002; Consultant to Australian Governments’ Psychiatric Project to East Timor, 2000-2002. From 2003-2007 he was a member of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists Quality Improvement Committee, and from 2008-2011, a committee member of the RANZCP Board of Community Relations. From 2005-2009 he was chair of the Australian Council of Healthcare Standards working party on psychiatric clinical indicators and a member of the Project Management & Steering Group for the Review of the Australian National Mental Health Standards from 2006-9. He was a member of the Ministerial Taskforce to form a Mental Health Commission in NSW, 2011. He was part of a team which published an International review of Recovery measures for the Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council and the Commonwealth Department of Health & Ageing in early 2011, and is on their panel developing a national Social Inclusion/workforce participation/residential tenure survey tool for individuals living with mental illness.

He was the independent expert consultant to the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Framework for Community Pharmacists in Mental Health 2011-2013. In June 2012, he was appointed to the Independent Hospital Pricing Authority Mental Health Advisory Group. In March 2013, he was appointed inaugural Deputy Commissioner of the Mental Health Commission of New South Wales, and completed his term there in March 2015.

He has reviewed mental health services for governments and administrations in 5 Australian states and the ACT. He has been invited speaker and/or performed consultancies on service development in several Australian states and territories, UK, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Italy, USA, Canada, China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Spain, Argentina, Brazil and New Zealand. He was an invited speaker for the WHO Collaborating Centre’s International Think-tanks in Trieste, and both international and national Assertive Outreach conferences in Spain annually over recent years.

He was Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, Department of Psychiatry 1990 and Visiting Senior Fellow, Departments of Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine, Harvard University, Boston in 2006. As a member of the International Advisory Committee of the Center on Mental Health and Social Conflict, University of California, Berkeley, he has lectured there annually over recent years.

He is the author or co-author of more than 140 published and submitted journal articles or chapters on studies of 24 hour community based alternatives to acute and long-term inpatient care, rehabilitation and recovery, psychiatric crisis services, assertive case management, early intervention in mental health services and integrated mental health service systems; more inclusive interdisciplinary mental health teams, including peer workers, early intervention in psychosis; psychiatric stigma; dual disorders, deinstitutionalization, consumer issues, family interventions, Aboriginal, developing country, rural and remote mental health, cultural influences on mental health service systems, qualitative and quantitative outcome measures, recovery measurement, impaired doctors, community treatment orders, research and evaluation in mental health, service standards, the National Mental Health Strategy, Global community psychiatry, Human Rights of individuals with severe and persistent mental illnesses, international comparisons between Mental Health Commissions, and the history of Australian Psychiatry. He has been an assessor for and/or editorial board member of several national & international journals. He has recently co-edited a book on the Early Intervention of Nearly Everything in Mental Health Services for Blackwell-Wiley, and was recently guest editor for a special issue on International Mental Health Commissions for the Mental Health Review Journal (UK), and guest co-editor of a Special Mental Health Issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Current Teaching

Advanced Psychiatric Trainee Clinical Leadership Advanced Training 2 day Workshops, 2009-11, convened by Alan Rosen & Tom Callaly, repackaged since 2012 for HETI (Health Education & Training Institute of NSW) on-line course. Co-Convenor, Leadership & Management Update Seminar Series, Comprehensive Area Service Psychiatrists (CASP) Network and Section of Leadership & Management (SLAM) Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (2009-current). Postgraduate Teaching for Brain & Mind Centre, University of Sydney, in 4 courses every year plus in-person assessments /examining for postgraduate trainee psychiatrists and mental health professionals and Curriculum Development (2009-Current).

Selected Publications

1. Rosen A, Clenaghan P, Emerton F, Richards S. Integration of the Crisis Resolution function within community mental health teams in Johnson S, Needle J, Bindeman JP, Thornicroft G (eds). Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment in Mental Health. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. 2. Miller V, Rosen A, Gianfransesco P, Hanlon P, Australian National Standards for Mental Health Services: a blueprint for improvement, International Journal of leadership in the Public Service, October 2009, 5, 3, 25-42. 3. Gisev N, Bell JS, O’Reilly CL, Rosen A, Chen TF, An expert panel assessment of comprehensive medication reviews for clients of community mental health teams, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, October 2009, 45:11: 1071-1079. 4. Rosen A, Gurr R, Fanning P. The Future of Community-centred Health Services in Australia: Lessons from the mental health sector. Australian Health Review 2010, 34, 106–115 5. Rosen A, Goldbloom D, McGeorge P, Mental Health Commissions: making the critical difference to the development and reform of mental health services, Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2010, 23:593–603 6. Pirkis J, Burgess, P, Coombs T, Rosen A, Assessing the value of existing recovery measures for routine use in Australian mental health services, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 2011; Early Online, 1–14 7. Killaspy H, Rosen A, Case Management and Assertive Community Treatment, Chapter in Oxford Textbook of Community Mental Health, 2nd edition, Thornicroft G, Szmukler G, Mueser K, Drake R, eds. Oxford UP, Oxford, 2011. 8. Rosen A, Gorrell J, Miller V, Cornish C, Tennant C. Impact of Clinician Attitudes on Implementation of Early Intervention Services: Triangulation and Stages of Concern methodologies, in Boydell K, Ferguson HB, eds. Qualitative Inquiry in Early Psychosis, Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2012, Waterloo, Ontario. 9. Rigby CW, Rosen A, Berry HL, Hart CR, If the land is sick, we’re sick: The impact of prolonged drought on the social & emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal Communities in NSW, Australian Journal of Rural Health 19, 249–254, 2011. 10. Rosen A, Rosen T, McGorry P,. Human Rights of People with Severe and Persistant Mental Illness in Dudley M, Gale F eds. Human Rights and the Mental Health Professions, Oxford University Press,2012. 11. Rosenberg S, Rosen A, It’s Raining Mental Heath Commissions – Prospects and Pitfalls in Driving Mental Health Reform, Australasian Psychiatry, 1 (85-90) Feb 2012. 12. Rosenberg S, Rosen A, 2012 Can mental health commissions really drive reform? Towards better resourcing, services, accountability and stakeholder engagement, Australasian Psychiatry. 2012 Jun; 20(3):193-8. 13. Rosen A, O’Halloran P, Mezzina R, International Trends in Community Mental Health Services in Handbook on Community Psychiatry, McQuiston H, Feldman J, Sowers W, eds, Springer New York, 2012. 14. Rosen A, McGorry P D, Hill H RM, Rosenberg, S P, The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority and mental health services: it is not a case of “one size fits all”, Medical Journal of Australia, 196 (11), 675-677, 18 June 2012 15. Rosen A, Mental Health Commissions of Different Sub-species. Can they effectively propagate mental health service reform? Provisional taxonomy and trajectories. Mental Health Review Journal, Dec 2012. [Editors Award] 16. Rosen A, Killaspy H, Harvey C, ( 2013) "Specialisation and marginalisation: how the Assertive Community Treatment debate impacts on individuals with complex mental health needs." The Psychiatrist, November 4, 37, 345-348. 17. Rosen A, Byrne P, Goldstone S, McGorry P, Early Intervention for Better Mental Health Services, Ch 99, Psychiatry, Fourth Edition. Edited by Tasman A, Kay J, Lieberman JA , First MB, and Riba MB, © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, in press.

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