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Digital Seminar

Whole-School Wellbeing: an IFS Therapy-informed paradigm

Shawnee Schmid, BCoun. L2 IFS Therapist
1 Hour 04 Minutes
Audio and Video
Dec 01, 2023
Product Code:
Never expires.


Applyling IFS therapy can result in a therapeutic paradigm shift from being a provider of external resources for bringing about improved school-based learning outcomes; to guiding the child toward uncovering their own internal resources (Self), restoring inner harmony and balance (Self-Leadership); creating space for the child to connect with their learning as a natural biproduct, rather than an externally imposed goal. 

Discover a simplified IFS therapy pathway that begins with a meditation, detection, separation, mapping, releasing, and integrating. This presentation provides examples of worksheets, expressive art methods, and a composite case study to illustrate IFS therapy's healing potential for promoting whole-school wellbeing from the inside out and hopes to offer other therapists, practitioners, educators, parents, community support or healthcare professionals new perspectives in their work with children and young people. 

This product is not endorsed by, sponsored by, or affiliated with the IFS Institute and does not qualify for IFS Institute credits or certification. 



PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 1.25 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.



Shawnee Schmid, BCoun. L2 IFS Therapist's Profile

Shawnee Schmid, BCoun. L2 IFS Therapist Related seminars and products

Shawnee Schmid is a clinical psychotherapist, L2 IFS. Shawnee is a school counsellor with a background in domestic and family violence prevention and crisis support. Shawnee has a passion for integrating expressive art methods with over 20 years of experience working in the creative arts.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Shawnee Schmid maintains a private practice and has an employment relationship with St. Joseph's Primary. She receives royalties as a published author. Shawnee Schmid receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Shawnee Schmid has no relevant non-financial relationships.


  1. Identify at two IFS paradigm shifts. 
  2. Describe or draw two Parts Mapping techniques. 
  3. Demonstrate knowing the difference between speaking “From” a Part and “For” a Part: 
    •  “From” a Part (speaking from an activated Part):  
    • “For” a Part (speaking from Self quality (8Cs) for a Part): 


  • The IFS paradigm shift:  Learn key differences between IFS and other models. 
  • Unblending:  Learn to use a simplified ‘U-turn’ for becoming aware, understand, and label Parts. 
  • Befriend Fears:  Mapping and getting to know Parts using expressive art methods.  
  • Self-Leadership:  Restoring inner harmony and balance using the 8Cs and what that looks like in a school setting. 


Target Audience

  • Counselors 
  • Social Workers 
  • Psychologists 
  • Marriage & Family Therapists 
  • Addiction Counselors 
  • Physicians 
  • Physician Assistants 
  • Nurses 
  • Nurse Practitioners  
  • Other Mental Health Professionals 

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