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Digital Seminar

Trauma and the 12 Steps: The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation in Therapy

Jamie Marich, PhD, LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-500, RMT
3 Hours 24 Minutes
Audio and Video
Oct 06, 2022
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
Never expires.


The interplay between unhealed trauma, dissociation, and addiction can stump even the most seasoned clinicians and leave clients who struggle feeling frustrated and hopeless. Although the popular 12-step approaches to addiction treatment can be appropriate for clients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related diagnoses, rigid application of the disease model and 12-step principles may prove more harmful than helpful for clients in need. Many professionals have written off the clinical utility of the 12-steps for this reason. In this recording, participants will learn how to blend traditional knowledge about the disease of addiction and 12-step approaches to recovery with the latest research and practice knowledge on trauma and dissociation. As a result, participants will be able to better connect with addicted clients who struggle with trauma, and deliver the help that they so desperately need in a way that honours their lived experience. Interaction, group participation, and experiential learning are all featured in this recording, sure to be a learning experience unlike any you have had before!


Planning Committee Disclosure - No relevant relationships

All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners.  For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.


PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 3.5 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.



Jamie Marich, PhD, LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-500, RMT's Profile

Jamie Marich, PhD, LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-500, RMT Related seminars and products

Jamie Marich, PhD, LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-500, RMT, (she/they/we), began her career as a humanitarian aid worker in Bosnia-Hercegovina from 2000-2002, primarily teaching English and music. Jamie travels internationally teaching topics related to trauma, EMDR therapy, expressive arts, mindfulness, and yoga, while maintaining a private practice and online education operations in her home base of Akron, OH. Marich is the founder of the Institute for Creative Mindfulness and the developer of the Dancing Mindfulness approach to expressive arts therapy.

Marich is the author of EMDR Made Simple: 4 Approaches for Using EMDR with Every Client (2011), Trauma and the Twelve Steps: A Complete Guide for Recovery Enhancement (2012), Creative Mindfulness (2013), Trauma Made Simple: Competencies in Assessment, Treatment, and Working with Survivors, Dancing Mindfulness: A Creative Path to Healing and Transformation (2015), and Process Not Perfection: Expressive Arts Solutions for Trauma Recovery (2019). Marich co-authored EMDR Therapy & Mindfulness for Trauma-Focused Care along with colleague Dr. Stephen Dansiger in 2018, and their new book with Springer Publishing Healing Addiction with EMDR Therapy: A Trauma-Focused Guide released in 2021. North Atlantic Books published a revised and expanded edition of Trauma and the 12 Steps in the Summer of 2020, and they released The Healing Power of Jiu-Jitsu: A Guide to Transforming Trauma and Facilitating Recovery in 2022. Her latest release with North Atlantic Books, Dissociation Made Simple: A Stigma-Free Guide to Embracing Your Dissociative Mind and Navigating Life came out in January 2023. She has three more projects in the works with North Atlantic Books, including her personal memoir about surviving spiritual abuse called You Lied to Me About God due out in Autumn 2024.

The New York Times featured Marich’s writing and work on Dancing Mindfulness in 2017 and 2020. NALGAP: The Association of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Addiction Professionals and Their Allies awarded Jamie with their esteemed President’s Award in 2015 for her work as an LGBT advocate. The EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) granted Jamie the 2019 Advocacy in EMDR Award because she used her public platform in media and in the addiction field to advance awareness about EMDR therapy and to reduce stigma around mental health. The Huffington Post published her personal story of being out as a clinical professional with a dissociative disorder in May 2023.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Dr. Jamie Marich is the founder of Mindful Ohio & The Institute for Creative Mindfulness and has an employment relationship with Abbey of the Arts. She receives a speaking honorarium, recording, and book royalties from Psychotherapy Networker and PESI, Inc. She is a published author and receives royalties. She has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Dr. Jamie Marich is a member of the NALGAP, the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association, the International Center for Clinical Excellence, and the Ohio Counseling Association.


  1. Appraise the phenomena of trauma and dissociation in a complete manner for clients at all levels of care.
  2. Theorize how certain features of 12-step recovery are productive for working with addicted survivors of trauma stress and identify how these features can be implemented into treatment.
  3. Describe how certain 12-step approaches, slogans, and customs may be counterproductive when working with a traumatized client, both in treatment and in recovery communities.
  4. Develop a plan for working 12-step recovery strategies alongside appropriate treatment at any level of care.
  5. Apply at least two clinical techniques from various psychotherapeutic approaches to help clients attain addiction recovery in a trauma-sensitive fashion.


  • Updates to what works about 12-step models with language that is more trauma-informed and trauma-focused
  • Working with your clients on meaningful life style changes through 12 steps
  • How the often misunderstood clinical concept of dissociation is the key to better defining, understanding, and treating addictions

Target Audience

  • Addiction Counselors
  • Counselors
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Physicians
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Other Mental Health Professions

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