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Digital Seminar

The Modern Abolitionist

Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP
58 Minutes
Mar 10, 2022
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
Never expires.


Somatic abolitionist. It’s how Resmaa Menakem, popular trainer, speaker, and bestselling author of My Grandmother’s Hands, defines himself. He’s managed military counselling services for more than 50 bases in war-torn Afghanistan, consulted on trauma and healing for large school districts and police departments, and trained with top trauma and somatic experts to refine and teach his particular healing path of Cultural Somatics: an embodied, antiracist way of living.

For years, he’d watched as well-intentioned therapists tried reading, talking, and thinking their way past the intangible, living nature of racism in order to do good, culturally aware work. But white supremacy lives in the body, just as racial trauma does.

In this recording, Menakem will show us how intergenerational trauma comprises brutal experiences and realities, compounded over time, from which our ancestors couldn’t heal. He’ll offer a road map for learning how to slow down enough to discern, in ourselves and others, historical from personal pain, and the role we may be unwittingly playing in keeping the effects of racism alive in our bodies.


Planning Committee Disclosure - No relevant relationships

All members of the PESI, Inc. planning committee have provided disclosures of financial relationships with ineligible organizations and any relevant non-financial relationships prior to planning content for this activity. None of the committee members had relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies or other potentially biasing relationships to disclose to learners.  For speaker disclosures, please see the faculty biography.


PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 1 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.


Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP's Profile

Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP Related seminars and products

Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW, SEP, is a Senior Fellow at Meadows Behavioral Healthcare where he has built an intensive training curriculum for staff on cultural somatics and racialized trauma.

He has served as director of counseling services for the Tubman Family Alliance; as behavioral health director for African American Family Services in Minneapolis; as a domestic violence counselor for Wilder Foundation; as a certified Military and Family Life Consultant for the US Armed Forces; as a trauma consultant for the Minneapolis Public Schools; and as a Cultural Somatics consultant for the Minneapolis Police Department.

As a Community Care Counselor, he managed the wellness and counseling services for civilians on fifty-three US military bases in Afghanistan.

Resmaa studied and trained at Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, as well as with Dr. David Schnarch (author of the bestselling Passionate Marriage).

He currently teaches workshops on Cultural Somatics for audiences of African Americans, European Americans, and police officers.

He is also a therapist in private practice.


Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Resmaa Menakem is the founder and president of the Justice Leadership Solutions and the owner of Unbound Therapy Resources. He receives royalties as a published author. Resmaa Menakem receives a speaking honorarium and recording royalties from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Resmaa Menakem is a member of the National Association of Black Social Workers, the National Association of Social Workers, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.


  1. Assess the stress signs and symptoms of racialized trauma.
  2. Integrate the basics of the HIPP model (historical, inter-generational, persistent institutional, personal) of racialized trauma into your clinical practice.
  3. Demonstrate one resourcing technique to use with trauma clients.


  • Racialized Trauma: The myth of race and historical trauma
  • How the body carries racialized trauma
  • Resilience and community in healing
  • A roadmap for healing

Target Audience

  • Psychologists
  • Physicians
  • Addiction Counsellors
  • Counsellors
  • Social Workers
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Art Therapists
  • Nurses
  • Other Behavioral Health Professionals

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