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Digital Seminar

Social Media and Self-Esteem: Supporting Youth as they Navigate the Virtual World

Ken Loftus, Clinical Director of the Sunlight Centre. Masters CBT, BA Psych, Dip Counselling
1 Hour 03 Minutes
Audio and Video
Feb 29, 2024
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
Never expires.


This seminar outlines the current issues social media is creating in Australia to both Youth and Adults, including updated worrying statistics on Child Exploitation and affects on Self-esteem. 

Social Media began as a tool to connect with friends and family and meet new people with similar interests. A way to share a photo, externalise a thought and be exposed to new perspectives. But now… social media is a very different entity. Many mental health practitioners see social media as a toxic instrument that exposes our youth to material that is not age appropriate, can start to wire their brain differently, and assist in forming toxic base core beliefs, that these young people carry through to their adult lives in a form of rules and assumptions about themselves and the world around them.  

One such core belief social media can affect is a person’s self-esteem. Self-esteem is defined as our opinion of ourselves. All of us at some point will experience a lack of confidence over certain skillsets however someone with low self-esteem is unhappy or unsatisfied with themselves most of the time.   

This seminar will cover the main causes of low self-esteem that will help clinicians that work with youth and adults that are struggling to identify the causes and triggers of low confidence and low opinions of themselves.  



PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 1 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.



Ken Loftus, Clinical Director of the Sunlight Centre. Masters CBT, BA Psych, Dip Counselling's Profile

Ken Loftus, Clinical Director of the Sunlight Centre. Masters CBT, BA Psych, Dip Counselling Related seminars and products

With over two decades of experience in the field of mental health and counseling, Ken is a dedicated and passionate professional committed to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals facing emotional, cognitive and behavioural challenges.

Ken began his professional journey while completing his psychology degree in Ireland, in residential care for under 18’s, providing professional care to young individuals grappling with emotional and behavioural issues.

While building a private practice and working in crisis counselling centres, Ken completed his counselling diploma and masters in CBT to refine his skills and approach to mental health work.

To reach and support more people, Ken began creating and facilitating healthy mind workshops to psychoeducate participants around self-awareness, self-care, and ways to improve their overall well-being.

Having relocated to Brisbane several years ago, Ken founded the Sunlight Centre in South Brisbane 6 years ago, to be a beacon of hope for teens and adults dealing with suicide ideation and self-harm behaviour. As clinical director of the Sunlight Centre, Ken has dedicated himself to support the ongoing work at the centre of providing free crisis counselling while fostering a nurturing environment for those in need.

Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: Ken Loftus has employment relationships with The Sunlight Centre and St. Patrick's College. He receives a speaking honorarium from PESI, Inc. He has no relevant financial relationships with ineligible organizations.
Non-financial: Ken Loftus has no relevant non-financial relationships.

Additional Info


If you have any questions please reach out to .    


  1. Participants will be updated with the current dangers social media presents to youth and adults. 
  2. Participants will learn about the latest child exploitation stats and social media platforms that are linked to same. 
  3. Participants will explore self-esteem and be able to recognise the causes and triggers of same.  
  4. Participants will be able to pass on updated data and strategies to both clients and family members of clients around the concerns of Social Media use 
  5. Participants will be able to demonstrate with clients the toxic traits of social media  
  6. Participants will be able to recognise signs of low self-esteem and how to share same with their clients with psychoeducation 


  • Participants will gain knowledge that they can pass on to clients / families of clients around current social media dangers and issues.  
  • Participants will gain knowledge in using psychoeducation as a tool to empower their clients in making healthy choices around using social media 
  • Participants will have great understanding around the causes of low self-esteem and how to share same with their clients while being able to provide new tools for their clients to use to increase their opinions of themselves.  

Target Audience

  • Counselors
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Marriage & Family Therapists
  • Physicians

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