This dynamic workshop offers participants the opportunity to learn how to effectively apply Chair- Work along with several other complementary and powerful methods (based on psychodrama and Gestalt therapy techniques). These methods may be easily adapted into existing practice as interventions with the capacity to enhance the therapeutic work with individuals and with couples.
You will learn when and how to effectively use specific Action Methods including: Empty Chair in it’s varying forms, Role Reversal, Doubling, and Maximising - the latter being useful for increasing awareness of body language and emotions. You will also learn how to work with client resistances to these approaches.
Ari will introduce each of these with a demonstration of the technique, information on when and how to use them, and then participants in pairs and triads will have the opportunity to practise them in role-play simulations with Ari available for guidance and consultation. Following each practise session, there will be discussion of 'areas of difficulty', and questions before proceeding to the next technique.
Feedback form Ari's recent presentations of this training:
"Thank you for one of the most valuable learning opportunities I have ever had! Your passion for what you do is inspiring and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this training."
"Best, most informative workshop so far and just what I needed… Can’t wait to put these skills into practice!" "Ari, I loved it - the work, the group, your management and generosity and humour. Thank you!"
"Absolutely brilliant (What can I say?!) Thank you so much for the privilege Ari."
"I loved the experiential training - please organise more with Ari. I feel he was very much himself and it allows spontaneity and good learning."
"This workshop was such a powerful, engaging experience and the skills that I will take from this will be so helpful in my therapy practice. Wonderful, thank you!"
"A fascinating workshop. Interactive and experiential, Ari had the ability to keep us engaged and interested and explained in a clear way making sure we 'got it' before moving on. I would recommend Ari's training and will do more with him again."
PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 7 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.
File type | File name | Number of pages | |
Handout 1 - Video Link (0.08 MB) | Available after Purchase | ||
Handout 2 - Presenter slides (0.31 MB) | Available after Purchase |
Dr Ari Badaines trained as a clinical psychologist in the USA and received a post-doctoral National Institute of Mental Health fellowship in Washington, DC. Ari has been a consultant to numerous organisations including Relate in the UK, Richmond Fellowship and Youth-in-Search in Australia. He has taught at various universities in the USA, UK, and Australia including ACU and ACAP in Sydney and has also has led workshops in over twenty countries. Ari has been in private practice for over 45 years. The main theoretical orientation of his training was psychodynamic psychotherapy, and he had many years of supervised, clinical practice, including a one year pre doctoral internship at a psycho-analytic training institute in New York. As the demands for therapy grew, the ‘payer’ (governments, insurance companies, clients) demanded more parsimonious approaches, Ari undertook trainings to develop the skills for TLDP. He currently maintains a private practice in Sydney, consults to treatment organisations and supervises other therapists; he is a popular presenter for Pesi AU and runs trainings in the UK and Europe twice a year.
How will you benefit from attending this training?
Morning Session (includes a short break)
Afternoon Session (includes a short break)
Evaluation and post-test - your payment includes a free post-test which when completed with a minimum of 80% correct answers, will enable you to download your Attendance Certificate.
To complete the test, please log into your account at and click the orange "Certificate" button under the program's title.
For live webcasts, post-tests must be completed within one week of viewing the program. (There is no deadline to complete the post-test for digital downloads)
This seminar has been designed to extend the clinical knowledge and applied skill of Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Coaches, Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Nurses and Psychiatrists.
Morning Session
9:00am - 12:45pm
Includes a 15 minutes break at 10:45am
Lunch Break
12:45pm - 1:45pm
Afternoon Session
1:45pm - 5:00pm
Includes a 15 minutes break at 3:15pm
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