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Digital Seminar

EMOTIONALLY FOCUSED THERAPY (EFT) SKILLS FOR WORKING WITH COUPLES - Learning to incorporate an EFT approach and skills into couples therapy work.

Ari Badaines, PhD
5 Hours 41 Minutes
Audio and Video
Nov 11, 2020
Product Code:
Media Type:
Digital Seminar
Never expires.


Developed by Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg in 1985, Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) is a short-term systematic intervention designed to reduce distress in adult love relationships while creating more secure attachment bonds. EFT uses the power of emotion to evoke new and empathic responses between partners within their key interactions. These new emotional responses to a partner’s fears and needs help to create what Sue Johnson calls a new relationship “Dance” where rigidity is replaced by expansiveness and flexibility.

This workshop is designed with one purpose in mind: to help participants utilise this approach to transform couple relationships to greater emotional security and satisfaction. This training is designed to inform participants in methods and provide skills to create a safe and collaborative environment, focus on what is most effective, and assist clients to free themselves from the intense emotional stories that they continue to repeat and which contribute to ‘relationship deterioration’.

There will be a brief coverage of the theory based on the work of Carl Rogers and Attachment Theory that supports EFT but the essence of the workshop is developing practical skills through demonstrations, practice sessions and discussion.  

The method of EFT is progressive, working through a series of steps leading to a change in the couple’s narrative and building strong, secure attachments.  Participants will be taken through these steps and will on completion of the workshop be familiar with the key steps in EFT.

Here is what people said about Ari's recent training for PDP:

"Thank you for one of the most valuable learning opportunities I have ever had! Your passion for what you do is inspiring and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have been part of this training."   

"Best, most informative workshop so far and just what I needed… Can’t wait to put these skills into practice!"   

"Ari, I loved it - the work, the group, your management and generosity and humour. Thank you!"    

"Absolutely brilliant (What can I say?!) Thank you so much for the privilege Ari."

"I loved the experiential training - please organise more with Ari. I feel he was very much himself and it allows spontaneity and good learning."    

"This workshop was such a powerful, engaging experience and the skills that I will take from this will be so helpful in my therapy practice. Wonderful, thank you!"

"A fascinating workshop. Interactive and experiential, Ari had the ability to keep us engaged and interested and explained in a clear way making sure we 'got it' before moving on. I would recommend Ari's training and will do more with him again."




PESI Australia, in collaboration with PESI in the USA, offers quality online continuing professional development events from the leaders in the field at a standard recognized by professional associations including psychology, social work, occupational therapy, alcohol and drug professionals, counselling and psychotherapy. On completion of the training, a Professional Development Certificate is issued after the individual has answered and submitted a quiz and course evaluation. This program is worth 5 hours CPD for points calculation by your association.



Ari Badaines, PhD's Profile

Ari Badaines, PhD Related seminars and products

Dr Ari Badaines trained as a clinical psychologist in the USA and received a post-doctoral National Institute of Mental Health fellowship in Washington, DC. Ari has been a consultant to numerous organisations including Relate in the UK, Richmond Fellowship and Youth-in-Search in Australia. He has taught at various universities in the USA, UK, and Australia including ACU and ACAP in Sydney and has also has led workshops in over twenty countries. Ari has been in private practice for over 45 years. The main theoretical orientation of his training was psychodynamic psychotherapy, and he had many years of supervised, clinical practice, including a one year pre doctoral internship at a psycho-analytic training institute in New York. As the demands for therapy grew, the ‘payer’ (governments, insurance companies, clients) demanded more parsimonious approaches, Ari undertook trainings to develop the skills for TLDP. He currently maintains a private practice in Sydney, consults to treatment organisations and supervises other therapists; he is a popular presenter for Pesi AU and runs trainings in the UK and Europe twice a year.


Learning objectives of this training:

  1. Introduction to the theoretical underpinnings of the EFT method.
  2. Familiarity with and ability to apply the core skills of EFT in existing couples practice.
  3. Comprehension of the steps involved in helping couples move from a cycle of negative interaction to a more positive and secure style of connection and satisfaction.
  4. Ability to help couples consolidate and enhance their new perceptions and experiences in the relationship.
  5. Enhanced confidence of the therapist to apply EFT to your practice.

"Couples seek out therapy because they are stuck in negative cycles that lead to resentment and distance. Often the therapist also gets stuck in how to help the couple return to positive interactions that create secure and loving relationships. This workshop will help build competence and skills to facilitate couples moving back into positive patterns of interaction.”        r Ari Badaines


How will you benefit from attending this training?

  • Learn basic EFT principals and perspectives on relationships and attachment styles.
  • Leave with a practical sense of how to apply EFT methods within your existing couples work.
  • Become confident with skills that open clients’ emotional worlds and how to use the access sensitively and effectively.
  • Address your own fears and resistances to incorporating new techniques.


Session 1 :

  • An introduction to EFT and its theoretical foundations.
  • Basic Tasks of EFT (The BIG Three!).
  • Assessing the couple’s style of interaction with particular focus on each person’s emotional experience of their partner and of the relationship. The therapist will note the pattern of negative interactional cycles that traps and distances the couple.
  • The three core Negative Cycles and Interactive Positions

Session 2 :

  • Afternoon session focuses on practical skill-development through demonstration, practise and discussion.
  • De-escalation with acknowledgement of underlying emotions and interactional patterns.
  • Reframing their issues into an attachment needs framework.
  • Helping the couple to express their needs and fears around attachment emotions to each other that they have avoided that have contributed to the negative cycle.
  • Couple acceptance of each other’s refreshed emotional experiences and thereby expand the manner in which they respond to each emotionally.
  • Consolidating new solutions and narratives.

Evaluation and quiz - your payment includes a quiz which when completed with a minimum of 80% correct answers, will enable you to download your Attendance Certificate.

To complete the quiz, please log into your account at and click the orange "Certificate" button under the program's title. 


Target Audience

This seminar has been designed to extend the clinical knowledge and applied skill of Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Coaches, Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Nurses and Psychiatrists.

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