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*14 CPD hours and CCATP certification are available with an optional upgrade.
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Clinical Psychologist Dr Ari Badaines will reveal:

  • How to use CBT to help clients manage anxiety
  • Proven step-by-step processes to move your clients from the paralysing dysfunction of anxiety to a healthy, functional way of being
  • New knowledge about the autonomic nervous system from Applied Polyvagal Theory
  • Assessment instruments and resources, plus how to apply them in a step-by-step framework to ensure your work is effective
  • And much more!
That’s not all!

This free training provides the necessary education to become a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) with Evergreen Certifications...

And with an optional registration upgrade, you can get 14 CPD hours AND we’ll pay your CCATP application fee (USD$99.99 value)!

Register today to discover the latest evidence-based interventions and techniques so you can make a real difference with even your most anxious clients.

Don’t pass on this opportunity for FREE anxiety treatment training! It may not come again.
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) Training:
Evidence-based CBT Skills for Anxiety Treatment
Presented by Ari Badaines, PhD
7 & 8 December 2023 | 9:00am - 4:30pm AEDT
$699.98 Value
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*14 CPD hours and CCATP certification are available with an optional upgrade. Register for more information.

Designed for psychologists, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, mental health nurses, and allied health professionals...

When you register you get access to:
  • 2 days of live expert-led training
  • The complete set of course materials
  • Interactive Q&A
  • On-demand access to the recording for 14 days
  • The opportunity to receive 14 CPD hours

Plus, when you upgrade, you’re instantly eligible to become a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) with Evergreen Certifications*

Over these two days you will discover how to:

  • Recognise and assess anxiety using valuable assessment instruments
  • Make a clear case conceptualisation for each client
  • Appropriately share the most current and helpful psychoeducation with your clients
  • Help clients recognise and manage their triggers
  • Skilfully address worry, avoidance, safety behaviours, and negative self-talk
  • Identify and address erroneous and unhelpful metacognitive beliefs
  • Use exposure therapy in meaningful, successful ways


7 December | Day 1 | 9:00AM - 4:30PM AEDT

Defining anxiety in its many and varied presentations
  • Recognising anxiety across the lifespan
  • Reviewing the DSM5 diagnostic criteria
  • Common features and symptoms of anxiety

Distinguishing ‘Anxiety’ from ‘Fear’

Differential diagnoses / Seeking Medical assistance / Referral

Recognising co-morbid psychological disorders

Living with anxiety

Aspects of anxiety treatments

Cognitive model of anxiety

Safety behaviours

Worry in anxiety

Intrusive thoughts

Steps in treatment
  • Assessment & Assessment Instruments
  • Case Conceptualisation
  • Psychoeducation

8 December | Day 2 | 9:00AM - 4:30PM AEDT

Developing client awareness, teaching cognitive skills, and treating behaviours

  • Identifying what is the real problem
  • Identifying and understanding triggers
  • Addressing avoidance
  • Addressing safety behaviours
  • Negative and catastrophic thinking
  • Cognitive errors and erroneous beliefs
  • Perfectionism and procrastination
  • Assurance-seeking
  • Worry management and rumination
  • Memory reconsolidation
  • Motivation to change
  • Exposure experiences
  • Use of imagery

Metacognitive Awareness

  • Processing the ‘Rational’ versus the ‘Emotional’
  • Understanding and changing ‘Self-Talk’ 

Challenging Metacognitive Beliefs

  • Identifying metacognitive beliefs
  • Exploring and addressing metacognitive beliefs
  • Negative metacognitive beliefs
  • How to challenge metacognitive beliefs

Exploring the Self as worry-free

  • Values and goal-setting

Mindfulness Interventions

  • Evidence and benefits
  • Mindfulness-based interventions
  • Mindfulness without meditation
  • Detached Mindfulness
  • Applied Relaxation
  • Yoga

Medications for Anxiety

Online resources and books

Click here for objectives and outline.


Ari Badaines

Ari Badaines, PhD

Ari Badaines, PhD, trained as a clinical psychologist in the USA and received a postdoctoral National Institute of Mental Health fellowship in Washington, DC where he trained in psychodrama and group therapy. He has been in private practice for more than 45 years.

Click here for information about Ari Badaines
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) Training:
Evidence-based CBT Skills for Anxiety Treatment
Presented by Ari Badaines, PhD
7 & 8 December 2023 | 9:00am - 4:30pm AEDT
$699.98 Value
Can't attend live? Register anyway for 14-day free access to the training!
*14 CPD hours and CCATP certification are available with an optional upgrade. Register for more information.

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