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Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for PTSD and Complex Trauma

A Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional Online Training Course
featuring Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB
Get unlimited access until 31 December 2023… Completely FREE!
Valued at $1,278.95
*CPD hours, certification, and unlimited access are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
You'll leave this training with...

  1. The complete set of interventions you need to work with the mind, body, and spirit
  2. The skills to go beyond just talk therapy to treat the full person in front of you
  3. The strategies to safely and ethically use integrated and nutritional medicine within your professional discipline's scope of practice
  1. The understanding of how the body reacts when clients are suffering from complex trauma and PTSD
  2. The confidence to combine Integrative Medicine with other modalities like Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems, EMDR, and post-trauma therapy

You'll get comprehensive training in...
  • The psychology of trauma

  • Trauma's effects on the body

  • Circadian and ultradian rhythms and hormones

  • Bio-individuality, digestion, and diet

  • Yoga and breathing techniques
  • Somatic interventions and energy therapies

  • Nutrition and supplementation

  • Herbal medicine and entheogens

  • Detoxification and hydrotherapy strategies

  • And so much more…

"The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." — Thomas A. Edison

Here's what recent participants are saying...
“Dr. Korn is an amazing teacher! I learned so much — very glad I took this course. I look forward to incorporating techniques into my practice.”
— Lori K.
Course Review
"I found Dr Korn's knowledge of the information so powerful. This was a wonderful course with so much helpful information."
Julie V.
Course Review
"I absolutely LOVED this course. I am so excited to use this. I am creating a Group experience based on this and tailoring my practice around it!"
— Megan B.
Course Review
"One of the best online courses I've taken. There is a wealth of information, well presented and integrated. Thank you."
— Jennifer R.
Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for PTSD and Complex Trauma
A Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional Online Training Course
featuring Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB
Get unlimited access until 31 December 2023… Completely FREE!
Valued at $1,278.95
*CPD hours, certification, and unlimited access are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Overview of Integrative Medicine and Trauma
  • Thinking integratively as the core feature of your practice
  • Apply a trauma-informed model of self-care, nutritional, and integrative approaches
  • The principle of substitutions and conscious self-medication
  • Integrating IM with methods like Polyvagal Theory, IFS, Eye Movement, & Post trauma therapy
Ethics & Scope of Practice
  • Working independently, group practice, hospital settings
  • Legal issues
  • Informed consent handouts
  • Disclosure document handouts
  • Testing
The Psychology of Trauma
  • Acute and chronic PTSD, complex trauma, Dissociative-type, DSM-5®
  • Special types of trauma: Medical, dental, military, white collar (clergy, professionals, gurus)
  • ACES quiz and its relationship to physical health
  • Interpersonal and power dynamics
  • Identify the role for IM in attachment and self-regulation in children and adults
Trauma, Biology & the Body
  • Energy, fatigue, and mitochondria
  • Stress response: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
    • Dysautonomia (POTS, chronic fatigue, pain, fibromyalgia)
  • Chronic illnesses, chronic pelvic pain
  • Psychoneuroimmunology, autoimmune disorders
  • Digestive disorders; gut and dysbiosis
Trauma, Culture & Identity
  • Demographics of trauma and ethnicity/identity
  • The role of integrative medicine and nutrition in treatment across cultures
  • Overcoming stigma with integrative medicine and nutrition
  • LGBTQ+ & BIPOC communities
  • Cultural Formulation Interview: DSM-5®

Brainbow Blueprint: Integrative and Nutritional Strategies
Circadian & Ultradian Rhythm & Hormones
  • Assessment and testing of circadian rhythm as it pertains to PTSD
  • Somatic Empathy; methods of clinical entrainment in treatment
  • The role of pranayama in altering brain hemispheric rhythms
  • The brain and heart: heart rate variability and HeartMath technology
  • The role of hormones in trauma throughout the life cycle
Bio-individuality, Digestion & Diet
  • Bio-individuality and personalized health
  • Polyvagal theory, nutrition, and integrative methods
  • Restoration strategies for digestion from salivation to elimination
  • Digestive disorders (GERD, Colitis, NAFLD, Metabolic syndrome, IBS constipation) in complex trauma and PTSD
Integrative Assessment, Test & Evaluation
  • Conducting an integrative medicine and nutritional assessment for trauma and its sequelae
    • Review of ethics and scope
    • Tests, assessments, and analysis
    • Handouts
    • Demonstration of the assessment process
      • Food mood diary and analysis
Culinary & Spice Medicine
  • The role of nutrition in PTSD and complex trauma
  • Techniques of intermittent fasting, ketosis, and the brain
  • The Brainbow diet: how food colours reflect nutrients
  • Fantastic fungi; integrating medicinal mushrooms into the diet
  • How culture, ethnicity, and genomic testing informs optimal nutrition
  • Designing psycho-culinary group therapies
Nutritional Supplementation
  • Review of nutrition research: why is it so confusing?
  • Matching supplements to intake assessment
  • Amino acid therapy for depression, anxiety, sleep, pain, cognition
  • Neurotransmitters, precursors, and food
  • Vitamins, minerals, glandulars, fatty acids
  • The science and clinical use of supplements to enhance or replace pharma
  • Collaborating with nutrition professionals
Herbal Medicine
  • List the evidence for types of herbs and preparations for PTSD and its sequelae
  • Adaptogens, nervines, anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, tonics
  • Cannabis: CBD, THC, terpenes; indications, contraindications
  • Essential oils: the engagement of the senses for mood and vagal health
  • Drug-nutrient-herb interactions: using a database and keeping your client safe
Detoxification and Hydrotherapy Strategies
  • Hydrotherapy: the use of hot and cold water for psycho-neuroimmune support
  • How hot and cold alters mood, pain, headaches
  • Medications
    • Managing side effects & tapering off medications
    • Discontinuation syndrome
    • Detoxing from pharmaceutical medication
    • Methods for collaborating with prescribers
    • Developing a taper team
Exercise, Yoga, Breath, and Sound
  • Brain hemispheric dominance exercises
  • State-based exercise applied to specific symptoms and capacities
  • Balance exercises to enhance emotional flexibility
  • PTSD, hyperventilation syndrome, disordered breathing, and anxiety
  • Yoga for developmental trauma, attachment and self-regulation
Somatics, Bodywork, and Energy Therapies
  • Provide a framework for somatic interventions used in treating PTSD and complex trauma
  • Energy medicine: neurofeedback, cranial electrical stimulation, and photobiomodulation
  • Self-massage and pressure point therapies for pain digestion
  • Sensory awareness and integration
    • Intersection of trauma in highly sensitive individuals and sensory processing in children and adults
    • Bidirectional strategies for eye/brain/mind
Nature & Human/Animal Bond
  • The clinical application of ecotherapies for children and adults
  • Nature-based stress inoculation and resilience strategies
  • Developing peripheral vision in nature for autonomic relaxation
  • The science of canine & equine therapies
  • The clinical application of touch using animal therapists
  • The role of canine therapists working with victims of violence and the justice system
  • Human-animal interaction, self-regulation, and attachment
Entheogens and Psychedelic Medicine
  • Assessment for readiness and referral
  • Medical versus traditional: what the client and clinician need to know
  • Research on psychedelics: anxiety, end-of-life, PTSD
  • Psychedelics and the Sacred Journey
    • Psychedelic medicine
    • Mushrooms/psilocybin/psilocin
    • Peyote (Lophophora williamsii)
    • Ayahuasca
    • DMT
    • MDMA
    • LSD
    • Ketamine
Spirituality, Post-Traumatic Growth, & Transformation of Trauma
  • Transpersonal psychology and thriving
  • The role of stories in reclaiming self as a hero
  • Rituals for recovery
  • Special treatment is needed when the traumatic aetiology derives from spiritual/religious authorities
The Roadmap to Health
  • Motivation and adherence strategies
  • Shared decision making: best practice guidelines
  • Self-disclosure strategies
  • Developing group and telehealth support
  • Motivational Interviewing and engagement
  • Relapse prevention strategies
  • Creating a treatment plan based on the assessment
  • Affordability and access strategies
Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for PTSD and Complex Trauma
A Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional Online Training Course
featuring Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB
Get unlimited access until 31 December 2023… Completely FREE!
Valued at $1,278.95
*CPD hours, certification, and unlimited access are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
Register today and get these 2 FREE bonus items!

The Self-Care Circuit Breaker

Get exclusive access to powerful techniques that allow you and your clients to interrupt your internal stress response. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach — you'll discover dozens of techniques that you can pick and choose from to suit your needs in that moment.


Recorded Q&A Calls with Dr. Leslie Korn

Listen in as your colleagues get their questions answered by Dr. Leslie Korn in 3 recorded live calls!

Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for PTSD and Complex Trauma
A Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional Online Training Course
featuring Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB
Get unlimited access until 31 December 2023… Completely FREE!
Valued at $1,278.95
*CPD hours, certification, and unlimited access are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.
About Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB
Leslie Korn

Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB, has provided over 70,000 hours of integrative clinical care during over 40 years of clinical practice. She specializes in post-trauma therapy, treating complex physical and emotional illnesses by integrating psychotherapy, bodywork, yoga, herbal medicine, and nutrition.

For over 25 years, Leslie directed a pro bono traditional medicine clinic in the jungle of Mexico, working with indigenous healers and directed yoga and bodywork teacher training and internships. Leslie completed her academic studies at Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Union Institute, and Lesley University. Leslie has been university faculty at two Naturopathic medical schools, at CIIS and at Capella University where she was full-time, counselling fieldwork faculty in both MS and PhD programs for over 10 years.

She is licensed as an LMHC, Board Certified in Massage and Bodywork, a Board approved Clinical Supervisor, and is certified in Functional Nutrition. She is the author of the textbook on Integrative Medicine and Trauma, Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature and the Body. About this book, James Lake, MD, said: “the first scholarly work that attempts to fill the enormous gap in the conventional armamentarium used to treat PTSD.”

Leslie developed the Masters level certification in trauma therapy treatment program training for Licensure level clinicians at Lesley University in 1990. During 15 years of private practice in Boston, she treated victims of violence, individuals with chronic and complex trauma and survivors of clergy and treatment/cult abuse. She taught body therapies in the psychogeriatric ward at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in 1983 and introduced a body psychotherapy to patients with PTSD, schizoaffective disorder, and borderline disorder at Cambridge Hospital out-patient psychiatry in 1985, as a clinical fellow and instructor. Trained in acupuncture, Leslie became the clinical director of the New England School of Acupuncture in 1990.

Leslie was the first clinician invited to present on somatic therapies for treatment of trauma at ISTSS in 1995 and has twice presented at the invitational annual IMMH (integrative medicine for mental health) on Integrative medicine and nutrition for PTSD and complex trauma. She is an instructor at the Integrative Psychiatry Institute and has taught for the Washington State disabilities training course programs on pain and sat on the Governor's Committee for Obesity and Diabetes.

She has been awarded multiple research grants including a 3-year grant as principal investigator to conduct mind-body medicine research by the NIH and a 3-year grant to study community trauma in rural Mexico. She was a Fulbright research scholar on Traditional Medicine in Mexico.

Leslie has a private practice seeing patients and mentoring clinicians in integrative medicine for mental health practice and continues in her role as director of research at She is the author of 9 books and numerous peer-reviewed papers.

Click here for information about Leslie Korn.

Who's This Training For?

This course is intended for Mental Health and Physical Health Professionals, including counsellors, psychologists, case managers, psychotherapists, social workers, marriage & family therapists, addiction counsellors, school clinicians, therapists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, nurses, physical therapists, nurses, nurse practitioners, massage therapists, nutritionists and registered dietitians, program administrators, and other professionals.

Want to know more about the course outline?
Click here for outlines and objectives.

The Next Steps in Advancing Your Practice
Watch your email for your order confirmation and get instant access to all course materials, including the bonus materials. Click here for outlines and objectives.
Review the course materials at your own pace and at your convenience! You'll have unlimited access to all course videos and materials online until 31 December 2023. Plus, use the PESI mobile app to access the course content on your phone or tablet.
Instantly collaborate with other professionals on the course materials through interactive message boards. You'll be part of a community of hundreds of practitioners all focused on integrating the most effective trauma techniques, providing valuable opportunities to share insight and experiences and to build your professional network.
Integrative Medicine and Nutrition for PTSD and Complex Trauma
A Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional Online Training Course
featuring Leslie Korn, PhD, MPH, LMHC, ACS, FNTP, BCTMB
Get unlimited access until 31 December 2023… Completely FREE!
Valued at $1,278.95
*CPD hours, certification, and unlimited access are available for an additional cost. Register for more information.

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