Whether you are brand new to EMDR, or you've been practicing the models for years, you will discover how to use, refine, and customize this powerful intervention to fit your client's unique needs, particularly around traumatic stress.
Dear colleague,
I've been personally involved with EMDR since its infancy. After receiving direct training from its founder, Dr. Francine Shapiro, I was really taken by EMDR's transformative power.
But as I worked with adults who experienced abusive childhoods, I discovered that my clients were often so frightened and overwhelmed by the intensity of the EMDR they received using the standard protocol that they never wanted to do it again.
That's when I realised I needed to prepare them more by building up our therapeutic relationship and providing resources that offer strength, safety, and the care they need to continue with the work.
So, I began to hone and perfect the process of integrating powerful healing resources through imagination. And then when I'd apply bilateral stimulation, we were able to quickly incorporate these new resources to build resilience and provide key foundations for our deep healing work.
Now I'm excited to teach you these new skills that you can use right away with your clients!
Regardless of your preferred therapy approach, this EMDR intervention is a safe and powerful way to provide deep attachment repair — even with clients who've never had the experience of a secure attachment relationship.
Dr. Laurel Parnell,
Founder of Attachment-Focused EMDR and the Parnell Institute
An in-depth course on developing essential trauma healing resources
Click here for course objectives and outline
In this program you'll experience:
- 8 on-demand modules that teach you, step by step, how to apply the powerful EMDR Resource Tapping intervention
- Real client session clips, so you can see exactly how to integrate the techniques in your sessions
- Detailed instruction on modifying this intervention for special cases, including substance abuse, disordered eating, and school trauma
- PDF handouts of slides to use as quick reference resources
Begin your journey to mastering this powerful EMDR intervention by joining Dr. Laurel Parnell for crucial insights that set the foundation for your success. You'll hear the unique perspectives of one of the field's most accomplished EMDR trainers on how she's adapted these techniques based on her work with trauma clients throughout the world.
Laurel Parnell then shares the key elements to effective developmental repair that you'll be able to use right away with your clients.
Skill-building opportunities in this module include:
- Introduction to Attachment-Focused EMDR
- The Five Basic Principles of Attachment-Focused EMDR
- Therapist Characteristics and Skills for Attachment Repair
- The Four Foundational Resources: Peaceful Place, Nurturing Figures, Protector Figures, Wise Figures
In this module, Laurel Parnell will teach you, step by step, how to incorporate EMDR tapping techniques and bilateral stimulation to cultivate resilience for your clients, calm their nervous systems, and provide the feeling of secure attachment that amplifies trauma healing. This intervention is so powerful, that it can work even when your client has never had the experience of a safe relationship that builds secure attachment.
Skill-building opportunities in this module include:
- Reduces anxiety
- Aids in ego strengthening
- Developmental repair
- Supports recovery from addictions
- Clients can be taught this tool for use outside of sessions
- Peaceful Place
- Nurturing Figures
- Protector Figures
- Wise Figures or Inner Wisdom Figures
Join Laurel Parnell in a session with a real client and experience the first steps she takes when working with a new client. You'll see how she progresses from brief history taking to establishing the resources that will help her client overcome issues with anxiety and self-doubt.
In this module, you'll be introduced to a powerful resourcing tool to help clients who were abused, neglected, or lacked a nurturing relationship that would instil secure attachment.
Laurel Parnell will walk you through the steps to help clients envision a mother figure who meets their specific needs, so your client can begin to flourish and grow. This resource will also serve to add new neuropathways that can aid in healing attachment wounds.
Join Laurel Parnell again in a session to see how the resources she helped the client develop in module three now result in deep, lasting developmental repair.
First, you'll experience the completion of the client session that was introduced earlier in the course — and witness how the client is able to go into the trauma and reprocess the experience.
Then, you'll see a second client session with a woman whose mother told her that she "wanted to send her back" and be rid of her. This time, Laurel targets this specific painful moment and does developmental repair to help her client be free of deeply entrenched suffering.
In this module, Laurel Parnell dives deep into the specifics of when to use this EMDR to do developmental repair. She shares specific instances that will alert you as a therapist that this intervention would be helpful.
Then Laurel shares additional nurturing figure opportunities, including the ideal birth, the ideal father, and the ideal family. She'll also lead you through specific scenarios to consider when working with LGBTQ+ clients.
You'll end this session feeling confident in your ability to bring developmental repair into your client sessions.
Step back into the therapy room with Laurel Parnell as she works with a gay man who's experienced religious trauma. The session begins with history taking as the client shares his story of years of being misunderstood, outcasted, and hurt.
Then Laurel guides the client in developing resources and uses tapping to build the newly imagined resources as supportive figures. You'll experience the entire developmental repair process that leaves the client with the feeling of secure and lasting attachment and support that he's been desperately seeking.
Finally, Laurel debriefs with the client as they both reflect on the process and provide additional insight into the impact the developmental repair has on trauma healing.
In this final module, Laurel Parnell provides key insights to be aware of when working with complex situations, including those with substance abuse, eating disorders, school, and learning trauma. She'll teach you how to help clients reimagine supportive families where those issues don't exist, allowing you to tap into resources for a variety of traumatic experiences.
An in-depth course on developing essential trauma healing resources
Click here for course objectives and outline
(a $129.95 value!)
Join Laurel Parnell in this session as she shows you exactly how to use attachment-focused EMDR and its four foundational resources to help guide clients toward increased resilience, emotional regulation, and developmental repair.
Click here for information about Laurel Parnell
Whether you are brand new to EMDR, or you've been practicing the models for years, you will discover how to use, refine, and customize this powerful intervention to fit your client's unique needs, particularly around traumatic stress.
Immediately! You can get started with this program as soon as you register.
Your access to this course is unlimited for as long as you have your account.
Yes. Once you register for this self-paced course, you will have unlimited access to all the materials — including slides, handouts, worksheets, and more.
An in-depth course on developing essential trauma healing resources
Click here for course objectives and outline
We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.