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Losing a client to suicide may be unimaginable for many... but if it happens, it is devastating.

Most of us have received little training on how to treat suicidal and self-harming clients. We feel unprepared and unsure which often results in these clients being pushed from one clinician to another... or we resort to impersonal tick boxes and questionnaires that fail to address the trauma that is often the true source of the client's pain.

We reassure ourselves that we're following established protocol... but our clients are left feeling even more isolated, alone and prone to suicidal ideation and self-injury.

We cannot help from a distance but must strive to connect with them in the ways we know are critical for healing to take place. We must meet them in their darkness before we can guide them to the light.

That's why, for the first time ever, you can join eight of the world's leading specialists for a one-of-a-kind summit dedicated to revolutionising the existing, widely accepted but largely outdated treatment interventions...

...and incorporate the latest cutting-edge research and practice-proven modalities into your practice.

Working With Suicide, Self-Harm & Trauma Online Summit
16 - 18 November 2023
Essential Strategies for Hope, Healing & Recovery
Usually $1149.95
Today only $199.95! Earn up to 17 CPD hours
Can't attend live? We've got you covered! The entire post-summit recording package is included with your registration!


Featuring world-renowned experts on trauma, suicidality and self-harm including Dr Janina Fisher, Dr Kathleen Chard, Dr Andew Reeves and more...

You'll discover a comprehensive roadmap that provides the step-by-step guidance you need to treat suicidal and self-harming clients at any stage of their journey, including interventions from Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Trauma-Informed Stabilisation Treatment (TIST) and Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR).

Equip yourself with evidence-backed interventions for suicidal and self-harming behaviours including cutting, disordered eating, genital self-harm and mutilation, addictive processes and more which often have their roots in trauma.

You'll leave this summit with the confidence and competence to work with ANY suicidal or self-harming client and the ground-breaking methods you need that make it possible to move them out of their pain and despair toward safety and hope for the future.

PLUS! Our experts will share their golden insights and practice-proven techniques during exclusive panel discussions with the opportunity for you to ask them your own clinical queries.

Register today and become the go-to clinician that treats suicidality and self-harm in a non-pathologizing manner that promotes healing, empowers clients, and most importantly... saves lives.

Working With Suicide, Self-Harm & Trauma Online Summit
16 - 18 November 2023
Essential Strategies for Hope, Healing & Recovery
Usually $1149.95
Today only $199.95! Earn up to 17 CPD hours
Can't attend live? We've got you covered! The entire post-summit recording package is included with your registration!


When you join us for this summit, you'll discover:

  • Revolutionary interventions that treat suicidality and self-harm utilising the latest practice-proven modalities through the lens of trauma
  • Alternative solutions that empower clients without stigmatising their behaviours with shame, blame or safety contracts that can lead to power struggles and guilt
  • A clear path to treat suicidal and self-harming clients no matter their current behaviours or risk level
  • Methods to accurately assess clients for their current risk levels so you can feel confident in knowing when hospitalisation is necessary or not
  • And so much more!

Your summit registration includes access to:

  • 2 days of LIVE expert-led summit content
  • Panel discussions with the speakers including audience Q&As
  • Earn up to 17 CPD hours
  • Unlimited access to the ENTIRE post-summit recording package
  • Downloadable resources including digital access to speaker materials, presentation slides, etc.
  • Free BONUS content (see below for details...)
  • And so much more!

Summit Schedule
Day 1 | Thursday 16 - Friday 17 November 2023 | 8:00PM - 4:45AM AEDT
Andrew Reeves
Working Relationally With People at Risk of Suicide: Understanding Through Exploration with Dr Andrew Reeves

8:00PM - 9:30PM

The therapist-client connection is a vital part of treatment. But when working with suicidal clients, it can be extremely difficult to manage, and if approached incorrectly, can be detrimental to your client's life.

Dr Andrew Reeves will share with you the key relational strategies that he has used throughout his career so that you can help your clients through the power of relationality and intervention. You'll guide your clients to explore the intense emotions and behaviours they are experiencing in a safe and controlled manner so that you can move them away from their suicidal thoughts and impulses.

Break: 9:30PM - 9:45PM

Click here for information about Andrew Reeves
Sanja Oakley
Treating Suicide and Self-Harm From the Bottom Up: Effective Interventions using EMDR, Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) and more with Sanja Oakley, MA

9:45PM - 11:15PM

Suicidal and self-harming behaviours have many contributing factors: fractured communities, extreme isolation, imposed expectations of masculinity/femininity and sexual orientation and more. These all lead to our clients feeling “separate” and different from their peers... which can drastically increase the risk of suicide or self-harm.

This session will explore the root causes of suicidality and self-harm and provide treatment solutions that focus on a “bottom-up” approach from modalities such as EMDR, Deep Brain Reorienting (DBR), the Feeling State Protocol, the Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) and Image Transformation Therapy... so that you can discover how to help your clients heal from their pain.

Lunch Break: 11:15PM - 12:15AM

Click here for information about Sanja Oakley
Cece Sykes
Overcoming Self-Harm Behaviours and Addictive Processes Using Internal Family Systems Therapy with Cece Sykes, LCSW

12:15AM - 1:45AM

Traditional approaches to self-harming and addictive behaviours often focus on trying to “control” the client. This can result in power struggles between therapist and client, causing increased stress levels and shameful sensations... often leading them to more of the self-destructive behaviours we're trying to guide them away from.

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) offers a paradigm shift, where we uncover the positive intentions behind these “negative” behaviours and instead work with the clients in an empowering manner. You'll master safe interventions for high-risk self-harming behaviours that address and heal the underlying trauma that causes them. You'll leave this session with an innovative set of skills and a fresh perspective on people suffering with self-harm, addictive processes and underlying trauma.

Break: 1:45AM - 2:00AM

Click here for information about Cece Sykes
Lisa Ferentz
From Self-Harm to Self-Care: Rethinking Our Approach to Treating Self-Destructive Behaviours with Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C

2:00AM - 3:30AM

Self-harming behaviours can be difficult to understand until you realise that they are often an attempt to communicate trauma as well as cope with its overwhelming pain. Where many approaches can unwittingly shame and pathologize these behaviours with concepts such as safety contracts, this session explores a strengths-based approach to treatment which empowers clients instead.

Using the CARESS model, you will discover how to give clients alternative solutions to self-harming which help them achieve the same results in the short-term without evoking guilt, shame, or further injury to their bodies.

Break: 3:30AM - 3:45AM

Click here for information about Lisa Ferentz
Tracy Jarvis
Panel Discussion: To Contract or Not To Contract? Benefits, Limitations and Risks of Standard Safety Contracts for Self-Harm and Suicidal Clients with Lisa Ferenz, LCSW-C, Cece Sykes, LCSW and Dr Andrew Reeves

3:45AM - 4:45AM

Moderated by Tracy Jarvis, PESI UK Director, this panel discussion will explore the merits and deficiencies behind using safety contracts with our suicidal and self-harming clients. You'll hear our panellists' unique views on the issue shaped by their years of clinical experience and viewed through the lens of their chosen modalities.

There will also be a Q&A section where you'll be able to ask the panellists your own clinical queries!

Click here for information about Tracy Jarvis

Day 2 | Friday 17 - Saturday 18 November 2023 | 8:00PM - 4:45AM AEDT
Dwight Turner
The Pain of Blackness: Evaluations on Race, Self-Harm and Suicidality in the Black Community with Dr Dwight Turner

8:00PM - 9:30PM

Suicidality and self-harm are extremely pressing issues that we must address as a society. But in the black community in particular, instances of suicide and self-harm are very poorly recorded and woefully underexplored.

This session will discuss the absence of understanding around suicide and self-harm in the black community, and how as practitioners we must be better informed on how we can treat persons of colour who are experiencing suicidal ideation and self-harming behaviours.

Break: 9:30PM - 9:45PM

Click here for information about Dwight Turner
Anna Rita
Suicide Risk and Shame in Adolescence: EMDR Treatment for Relational Trauma with Dr Anna Rita Verardo

9:45PM - 11:15PM

The adolescent brain is wired to be impulsive - constantly seeking new and rewarding experiences while their logical and reflexive functions are still not fully formed. This impulsivity, coupled with unresolved traumatic childhood experiences and societal pressures faced, results in young and vulnerable people who pose a higher suicide risk.

You'll discover how to get to the origins of what always seems to be the common denominator: shame. You'll see how through joint reflection with our clients, we can trace the life events that are contributing to these shameful feelings and then use the extraordinary power of EMDR to process and heal the traumatic experiences that are putting them at increased risk of suicidal and self-harming behaviours.

Lunch Break: 11:15PM - 12:15AM

Click here for information about Anna Rita Verardo
Kathleen Chard
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for Suicidality and Self-Harm with Dr Kathleen Chard

12:15AM - 1:45AM

When clients come to us suffering with suicidal ideation and behaviours, we need a research-backed approach that truly delivers. CPT is a proven model that leads to lasting healing, which is why it's endorsed by the U.S. Departments of Veterans Affairs and Defense, the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, and the U.K. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Dr Kathleen Chard, co-developer of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), will show you how to approach suicidality from a CPT perspective. You'll get the structured, step-by-step CPT treatment techniques she has refined and perfected over 20+ years of research around PTSD and suicidality so you can apply them in your own practice.

Break: 1:45AM - 2:00AM

Click here for information about Kathleen M. Chard
Janina Fisher
Trauma Related Self-Harm and Suicidality with Dr Janina Fisher

2:00AM - 3:30AM

Childhood trauma often leaves survivors with a traumatised nervous system that impairs their capacity to tolerate normal life. They resort to desperate measures for relief: self-harm and suicidal thoughts restore a sense of control over painful emotions. But it is a vicious cycle: the attacks on their own bodies further re-traumatise them and put their lives at risk.

This session will give you a comprehensive understanding of the neurobiology behind self-harm and suicidality. You'll discover new ways to stabilise unsafe behaviours and engage the client in finding other roads to relief... so that therapeutic progress can truly begin.

Break: 3:30AM - 3:45AM

Click here for information about Janina Fisher
Tracy Jarvis
Panel Discussion: Treating Self-Harm and Suicide From the Top-Down or Bottom-Up? with Dr Dwight Turner, Dr Kate Chard and Dr Janina Fisher

3:45AM - 4:45AM

Moderated by Tracy Jarvis, PESI UK Director, this panel discussion will tackle the question of whether suicidality and self-harming behaviours should be approached initially via cognitively oriented treatments (top-down) or somatically driven and body-based interventions (bottom-up) - or is there a happy medium between the two?

There will also be a Q&A section where you'll be able to ask the panellists your own clinical queries!

Click here for information about Tracy Jarvis


That's not all... when you register today, you'll get access to an exclusive FREE bonus session with Dr Andrew Reeves that you can use to kick-start your learning immediately!

INSTANT ACCESS BONUS SESSION: Tight Ropes and Safety Nets: Essential Foundational Skills When Working With Suicide with Dr Andrew Reeves


This bonus session will give you the bare essentials you need to treat suicidal clients, no matter your starting point or level of specialist knowledge. Dr Reeves equips you with the most crucial and effective foundations, strategies and techniques that have proven themselves throughout his practice.

This session acts as a great introduction to watch and absorb before the summit begins and gives you the vital knowledge you need to know to help any suicidal clients before the summit begins.

Working With Suicide, Self-Harm & Trauma Online Summit
16 - 18 November 2023
Essential Strategies for Hope, Healing & Recovery
Usually $1149.95
Today only $199.95! Earn up to 17 CPD hours
Can't attend live? We've got you covered! The entire post-summit recording package is included with your registration!


Meet Your Summit Speakers
Kathleen Chard

Dr Kathleen Chard is a co-developer of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and director of the Trauma Recovery Center at the Cincinnati VA Medical Center. Serving as the VA CPT Implementation Director, Dr Chard oversees the dissemination of CPT to mental health clinicians across the United States.

Lisa Ferentz

Lisa Ferentz, LCSW-C, is a recognised expert in the strengths-based, de-pathologized treatment of trauma and has been in private practice for over 35 years. She presents workshops and keynote addresses nationally and internationally and is a clinical consultant to practitioners and mental health agencies in the United States, Canada, the UK and Ireland.

Janina Fisher

Dr Janina Fisher is a licensed clinical psychologist and former instructor at The Trauma Center, a research and treatment centre founded by Bessel van der Kolk. World-renowned as an expert on the treatment of trauma, Dr Fisher has also been treating individuals, couples and families since 1980. Dr Fisher lectures and teaches nationally and internationally on topics related to the integration of the neurobiological research and newer trauma treatment paradigms into traditional therapeutic modalities.

Tracy Jarvis

Tracy Jarvis is the Director of PESI UK (previously Founder and Director of Psychotherapy Excellence). She is a UKCP-registered psychotherapist and specialises in trauma, stress and neuroscience. She teaches and presents on trauma both in the UK and internationally.

Sanja Oakley

Sanja Oakley, MA is a registered psychotherapist, EMDR consultant and executive coach with 25 years' experience in both private practice and the public sector in the UK, Europe, and USA. In the aftermath of the Balkan War she worked as a coach and trauma therapist for the European Humanitarian Assistance Program in Bosnia & Herzegovina and at the Centre for Survivors of Torture and War Trauma, St Louis, MO USA. She also featured in Apple TV's recent mental health documentary The Me You Can't See, made in collaboration with Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry."

Andrew Reeves

Dr Andrew Reeves is a BACP Senior Accredited Counsellor/Psychotherapist and a Registered Social Worker. He is an Associate Professor in the Counselling Professions and Mental Health. He has researched and written extensively about suicide and working with risk in counselling and psychotherapy for the last 20 years, including two of his books, Counselling Suicidal Clients (Sage, 2010) and Working with Risk in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2015), in addition to numerous book chapters.

Cece Sykes

Cece Sykes, LCSW, is a consultant and senior trainer with the Internal Family Systems Institute. She specialises in trauma and addiction and educates therapists internationally on how to apply the IFS therapy model to addictive processes. She lectures, consults, and leads workshops on these and related topics and has a private practice in Chicago. Her recent book IFS Therapy for Addictions: Trauma-Informed, Compassion-Based Interventions for Substance Use, Eating, Gambling and More was released March, 2023.

Dwight Turner

Dr Dwight Turner is a Senior Lecturer within the School of Applied Social Sciences at the University of Brighton, lecturing on their PG Dip and MSc courses in Counselling and Psychotherapy, a PhD Supervisor at their Doctoral College, and a psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice. His latest book Intersections of Privilege and Otherness in Counselling and Psychotherapy was released in February 2021 and is published by Routledge. An activist, writer, and public speaker on issues of race, difference and intersectionality in counselling and psychotherapy.

Anna Rita

Dr Anna Rita Verardo is a psychologist and psychotherapist, and a certified Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) therapist. She graduated from the La Sapienza University of Rome and is a certified trainer of the EMDR Europe Association for adults, children and adolescents.

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Working With Suicide, Self-Harm & Trauma Online Summit
16 - 18 November 2023
Essential Strategies for Hope, Healing & Recovery
Usually $1149.95
Today only $199.95! Earn up to 17 CPD hours
Can't attend live? We've got you covered! The entire post-summit recording package is included with your registration!


NOTE: No additional discounts or coupons may be applied to this course.
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