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Catastrophically high rates of suicide... PTSD... substance abuse... chronic pain...

Our military service members and veterans are suffering, often because they haven't received the mental health support they so badly need and deserve.

But too many clinicians feel underprepared to help these clients navigate their unique experiences of trauma, anger, grief, and relationship difficulties.

That's why we're offering this comprehensive course, to provide you with the specific skills you need to help these heroes reclaim their lives from tragedy.

Whether you've worked with military and veteran clients for years — or you want to be more effective with future clients who served — now is your chance to get the tools you need to provide military-culture-informed care.

Join 15 experts whose experiences both within the military and with veteran populations will give you valuable strategies and techniques to work with your clients.

They'll show you how to:
  • Navigate military culture to understand your clients' values
  • Develop effective crisis response plans
  • Create distance between your client and lethal means
  • Treat betrayal trauma after sexual assault
  • Address medical trauma related to burn pits and hazardous conditions
  • Facilitate recovery for substance abuse, insomnia, and TBI

...and MUCH MORE!

Register today and make sure your military and veteran clients are not left behind!
Working with Military and Veteran Clients
Effective Treatment of Military-Related Trauma, Suicidality, Substance Abuse, and More

$959.85 Value
Own it for $299.95 (GST Inclusive)!
Register now and get immediate, unlimited access to the training. Plus, earn up to 18.25 CPD Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for course objectives and outline
Featuring Kathleen Chard, Justin Baker, Megan Salar, Alan Tatarksy, Janina Fisher, and 10 additional acclaimed experts...

…this essential training gives you cutting-edge strategies and interventions for the challenges service members and veterans are experiencing today.

Whether you work in or out of the DoD or VA... whether you've been seeing military and veteran clients for years or want to serve more of them — this course was created for you. You'll join a community of clinicians just like you and feel more prepared than ever with the inspiration and resources you need to treat this underserved population.

Purchase today and get...
  • Strategies for working with military and veteran clients on lethal means counselling, eating disorders, sexual trauma, traumatic brain injuries, and more!
  • Access to valuable handouts and resources
  • Up to 18.25 CPD hours
  • Unlimited access to all course recordings

Here's What Your Colleagues Are Saying About This Course

Working with Military and Veteran Clients
Effective Treatment of Military-Related Trauma, Suicidality, Substance Abuse, and More

$959.85 Value
Own it for $299.95 (GST Inclusive)!
Register now and get immediate, unlimited access to the training. Plus, earn up to 18.25 CPD Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for course objectives and outline
What You'll Learn
Kathleen M. Chard, PhD
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) for Suicidality: Overcoming Stuck Points and Creating Mental Flexibility
Kathleen M. Chard, PhD | Click here for information about Kathleen M. Chard

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is a rapidly growing model that is showing promising results and has uncovered key cognitive processes that, when addressed, can create lasting healing from suicidal ideation and behaviours that can often accompany PTSD. CPT co-developer, Kathleen Chard, PhD, addresses how she approaches suicidality from a CPT perspective so that you can be more effective with your military and veteran clients.

Justin Baker, PhD, ABPP
Crisis Response Planning and Lethal Means Counseling to Reduce Military and Veteran Suicide
Justin Baker, PhD, ABPP | Click here for information about Justin Baker

Treating a client in a suicidal crisis is nerve-wracking enough on its own, but what if you're working with a client who has access to and advanced knowledge of weapons? Justin Baker, PhD, ABPP, will give you essential information on two effective suicide prevention tools for use with military service members and veterans: Crisis Response Planning; Lethal Means Counseling. You'll get specific strategies for conducting client-centred narrative assessments of suicide risk and a tailored crisis response plan that prioritizes self-management strategies and reducing access to firearms.

William Brim, PsyD
Understanding Military Culture: A Guide for Behavioral Healthcare Providers
William Brim, PsyD | Click here for information about William Brim

Your ability to have a positive impact on military service members and veterans hinges on one simple question — do you understand their culture and how it clashes with elements of the overarching culture of behavioural healthcare? Without understanding military morals, values, and beliefs, you won't establish effective rapport and create treatment plans that work. William Brim, PsyD, will give you a deeper look at military culture as well as concrete strategies for assessment and treatment.

Megan Salar
Covert Grief: Essential Tips for Creating a Healing Space for Military and Veteran Clients
Megan Salar, LCSW, ACADC, CCTP-II, EMDR-C | Click here for information about Megan Salar

Your military and veteran clients are grieving numerous losses. Throughout service, there are pivotal changes to identity and life trajectory, from combat losses and survivors' guilt, to change in functioning after injury, to challenges in family relationships, to loss of identity after separation from active service. Megan Salar, LCSW, ACADC, CCTP-II, EMDR-C, will give you the skills you need to assist your clients with navigating loss in and out of the military and teach them essential strategies to manage grief in its many forms.

Michelle Flaum, EdD, LPCC-s, DCMHS
Exposure to Burn Pits: Implications for Treating Medical Trauma in Military and Veteran Clients
Michelle Flaum, EdD, LPCC-s, DCMHS | Click here for information about Michelle Flaum

Respiratory illness. Neurological effects. Cancer. Reproductive toxicity. These are only a few of the problems that your military and veteran clients might be dealing with after exposure to burn pits. And if you've been watching the news, you're aware of the sense of betrayal they're feeling. Michelle Flaum, EdD, LPCC-s, will frame these experiences as medical trauma and show you how you can help.

Melissa M. Bradley-Ball, MS, NCC, BCETS, FAAETS
Military Sexual Trauma: How to Heal in the Face of Betrayal
Melissa M. Bradley-Ball, MS, NCC, BCETS, FAAETS | Click here for information about Melissa Bradley-Ball

You may be overlooking a major factor in your clinical work with MST survivors — betrayal trauma. For many clients, the multiple layers of betrayal within military culture can often be more traumatizing than the assault itself — and it's a major contributing factor to the development of PTSD. Melissa Bradley-Ball, MS, NCC, BCETS, FAAETS, will help you assess how betrayal trauma impacts recovery and develop a roadmap for shifting your clients from victim to survivor to thriver.

Andrew Walen, LCSW-C, LICSW, CEDS-S
Eating Disorders in Military Populations: Trauma and the Tape
Andrew Walen, LCSW-C, LICSW, CEDS-S | Click here for information about Andrew Walen

Risk factors for eating disorders are pervasive in military service — from the heightened emphasis on weight and size, to constant demands for physical fitness and stamina, to repeated exposure to potentially traumatizing experiences. Andrew Walen, LSCW-C, LICSW, CEDS-S, will give you the skills you need so that you can assess for eating disorders and create effective treatment plans in the context of your clients' military culture

Colleen Carney, PhD
Meg Danforth, PhD
Trauma-Related Insomnia: Effective Sleep Strategies for Military Personnel and Veterans
Colleen Carney, PhD | Click here for information about Colleen Carney
Meg Danforth, PhD | Click here for information about Meg Danforth

Untreated sleep problems wreak havoc on your ability to effectively treat clients, particularly when it comes to trauma-related insomnia in military service members and veterans. Though contributing factors aren't well-understood, higher rates of sleep disorders in these populations mean that you must be prepared. Colleen Carney, PhD, and Meg Danforth, PhD, will take you beyond sleep hygiene to provide your military and veteran clients with simple, evidence-based interventions to improve their sleep.

Benjamin M. Keizer, PhD, ABPP
The Chronic Pain Foxhole: Strategies for Treating Pain in the Military and Veteran Populations
Benjamin M. Keizer, PhD, ABPP | Click here for information about Benjamin M. Keizer

Without a fundamental understanding of military culture and how service members and veterans view pain, you'll be unprepared to help your clients manage the complex issues they face and have the highest quality of life. Benjamin Keizer, PhD, ABPP, will help you understand the most common causes of chronic pain in the military population, deliver a variety of nonpharmacological strategies to relieve chronic pain, and create an effective interdisciplinary treatment team.

Sherrie D. All, PhD
Concussion and TBI in Military and Veteran Populations: A Toolbox of Interventions to Improve Cognitive Functioning and Quality of Life
Sherrie D. All, PhD | Click here for information about Sherrie D. All

Though largely "invisible injuries," traumatic brain injury and concussion history can severely complicate your treatment efforts. Learn essential techniques you can use in your practice to rehabilitate cognitive skills that are commonly impaired as a result of TBI. Sherrie All, PhD, will show you how to improve your clients' self-efficacy and help them take control of their symptoms as you understand how fatigue, mood, anxiety, trauma, and chronic pain affect cognitive performance.

Andrew Tatarsky, PhD
Rethinking Addiction: The Integrative Harm Reduction Approach
Andrew Tatarsky, PhD | Click here for information about Andrew Tatarsky

Working with substance use disorders is challenging enough, but what if your client is part of a culture where alcohol and drug use can become the norm? Andrew Tatarsky, PhD, will guide you through learning a biopsychosocial approach that demystifies problematic drug use and an essential integrative harm reduction approach that provides a road map for helping your clients rethink their relationship with substances to create positive change.

Irina Wen, PhD
Caring for Self While Caring for Others: Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout in Work with Military and Veteran Clients
Irina Wen, PhD | Click here for information about Irina Wen

Working with military and veteran clients is meaningful and deeply rewarding. But witnessing suffering can result in vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. Irina Wen, PhD, will give you the tools you need to incorporate self-care in your practice and in your life. You'll learn to recognize essential signs of therapist stress and explore personal and organizational factors and strategies that help prevent it. Get the support you need to implement an effective self-care plan.
Working with Military and Veteran Clients
Effective Treatment of Military-Related Trauma, Suicidality, Substance Abuse, and More

$959.85 Value
Own it for $299.95 (GST Inclusive)!
Register now and get immediate, unlimited access to the training. Plus, earn up to 18.25 CPD Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for course objectives and outline
BONUS! A $179.95 VALUE!
Get immediate access to this exclusive bonus package when you buy now!
Finding a Faster Way to Treat Trauma: A Neurobiologically Informed Approach
Janina Fisher, PhD | Click here for information about Janina Fisher

Therapists are under pressure to provide short-term treatments for trauma which traditionally has required extended episodes of care. Learn the latest neurobiologically-informed interventions that will allow you to confidently pace treatment for your traumatized clients. You'll get cognitive, somatic, and mindfulness-based strategies to address the devastating effects of trauma and instil hope.

The Collective Trauma of War
Patrick Dougherty, MA, LP | Click here for information about Patrick Dougherty

Focusing on the symptoms of PTSD is not enough when working with military service members and veterans — we need to help them understand the larger society that wishes to forget the horrors of war and its shared responsibility for them, and how that reinforces their intense feelings of isolation and difficulty integrating back into the civilian world. Learn an innovative way to help your clients gain agency and bring a clearer awareness to understanding the emotional burden they carry.
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We’re that confident you'll find this learning experience to be all that's promised and more than you expected.
Working with Military and Veteran Clients
Effective Treatment of Military-Related Trauma, Suicidality, Substance Abuse, and More

$959.85 Value
Own it for $299.95 (GST Inclusive)!
Register now and get immediate, unlimited access to the training. Plus, earn up to 18.25 CPD Hours included in the course tuition.
Click here for course objectives and outline

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