Process Oriented Psychology (POP) is a gentle and far reaching modality. It often works with polarities, as our life exists between these extremes. POP typically works experientially: theory/experience/reflections/application to life/application to work. Embodied learning of this nature can be powerful and deep. The more we are activated, the more we learn. POP is designed to work on many levels; mind, body, dreamy states, essence, and conscious and unconscious awareness. We’ll start and finish the session with our regular professional minds.
This exercise supports participants (and clients) to fully and safely express their lows and highs of lockdown life, through journaling and then talking and listening in small groups. The exercise that follows is a careful and effective flow of movement, squiggle drawings, talking, journaling and different states of awareness. This all processes what has been journaled. POP asserts that each time we switch channels e.g. from talking to movement, from movement to squiggle drawing… fresh information arises. This also happens when we switch from wide awake to dreamy states. The participants will benefit and learn through the careful design of the exercise and their personal experience. POP asserts that we are aware of our primary processes and unaware of our secondary ones. The secondary ones are wanting to emerge more fully. This exercise gives access and life to a positive secondary process i.e. a fresh and enlivening perspectives come into our primary identity and understanding. When this happens we may feel relief and excitement about the future. It’s a very good feeling, and it gives inspiration and motivation.