

Defining anxiety in its many and varied presentations

Distinguishing ‘Anxiety’ from ‘Fear’

Differential diagnoses / Seeking Medical assistance / Referral

Recognising co-morbid psychological disorders

Living with anxiety

Aspects of anxiety treatments

Cognitive model of anxiety

Safety behaviours

Worry in anxiety

Intrusive thoughts

Steps in treatment


Developing client awareness, teaching cognitive skills, and treating behaviours

Metacognitive Awareness

Challenging Metacognitive Beliefs

Exploring the Self as worry-free

Mindfulness Interventions

Medications for Anxiety

Online resources and books

  1. Recognise and assess anxiety using valuable assessment instruments
  2. Make a clear case conceptualisation for each client
  3. Appropriately share the most current and helpful psychoeducation with your clients
  4. Help clients recognise and manage their triggers
  5. Skilfully address worry, avoidance, safety behaviours, and negative self-talk
  6. Identify and address erroneous and unhelpful metacognitive beliefs
  7. Use exposure therapy in meaningful, successful ways