Full Course Description

Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy for Complex Trauma: Core Principals and Clinical Applications for the Future of Trauma Treatment

This program, Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, describes the psychedelic medications being researched and utilized to enhance clinical outcomes in the context of Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy.  Through a combination of research findings and interviews with providers familiar with these medications, this program seeks to inform, explain, and evaluate the role of psychedelic medicine and Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy for clinical practice and efficacy.  The medications will be categorized and analyzed.  Considerations for clinical application will be discussed.  This program will assess the benefits, harm, and limits of using psychedelics.  Research and current application will be investigated.  Training, the role of the therapist, and long terms impacts will be discussed.

Program Information


  1. Determine the clinical experiences of experts working with psychedelics.
  2. Defend psychedelics as an effective clinical intervention, not just a drug.
  3. Investigate the role of the clinician in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy. 
  4. Evaluate the practice of centring of the client in treatment and demonstrate client’s innate ability to heal themselves. 
  5. Identify the risks of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and of the individual psychedelics.
  6. Determine the legal status and scheduling of psychedelics.
  7. Evaluate the clinical implications of underground therapists and assess the need for clinical guidelines and oversight.
  8. Propose considerations for clinical training beyond medication training, including trauma informed training, psychedelic training, Polyvagal Theory, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Internal Family Systems and evaluate the significance of the clinician’s personal experience with psychedelics and trauma growth.
  9. Demonstrate the effectiveness of Psilocybin treatment via a comprehensive look into the Psilocybin trails for depression at the Imperial College in London.
  10. Appraise the role and significance of touch in psychedelic experiences as a form of grounding and connection.
  11. Appraise the role and significance of music in psychedelic experiences as a form of enhancement to the medication.
  12. Argue the importance of psychedelic medications and Psychedelic Assisted Therapy in community settings and as it relates to inclusion of marginalized people. 

Copyright : 08/05/2023