Full Course Description

3-Day Certified Integrative Mental Health Provider (CIMHP) Training Course

Integrative Mental Health Counseling is a progressive form of therapy that combines different therapeutic tools and approaches to fit the needs of the individual client. Using integrative therapies, we modify standard treatments to fill in developmental gaps that affect each client in different ways.

Become a Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional and learn how to empower your clients to take control of their health to reach all their goals—from weight loss to stress management, resolving chronic conditions through mind body medicine, to nutrition, exercise, sleep, gut health and more.

By combining elements drawn from different schools of thought and research, integrative therapy becomes a more flexible and inclusive approach to treatment. Drawing on a holistic approach to mental and physical health we look at the whole person. Counselors can motivate, empower and inspire wellness by combining a unique approach to look at how healing the body heals the mind and how healing the mind heals the body.

Our clients present with a lifetime of symptoms. Using an integrative methodology, we can teach them to become self-sufficient by learning to observe the body’s responses to various lifestyle and dietary modifications. Thus, choosing health promoting behaviors. Our body’s work as a system and we can rebalance this system by developing strategies to incorporate into client care. Providing the newest science of nutrition, stress management and building resiliency.

As a Certified Integrative Mental Health Provider, you will enhance their clinical skills to help facilitate behavior and lifestyle change that will have a lasting, positive impact on their well-being.

As a clinician, you can go beyond therapy by supporting your clients in good health, awareness, and empowerment to heal their bodies and minds.


  • No hidden fees – PESI pays for your application fee (a $149.99 value)!
  • Simply complete this seminar and the post-event evaluation included in this training, and your application to be Certified Integrative Mental Health Provider through Evergreen Certifications is complete.*

Attendees will receive documentation of CIMHP designation from Evergreen Certifications 4 to 6 weeks following the program.
*Professional standards apply. Visit www.evergreencertifications.com/CIMHP for professional requirements.

Program Information


  1. Conduct three mind-body techniques to decrease clients' threat-based mental habits.
  2. Distinguish regions of the brain that are affected by chronic stress and support how stress increase the risk of mood disorders.
  3. Utilize mindfulness techniques to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  4. Evaluate recent research on the role of positive psychology in increasing resilience.
  5. Employ two gratitude practices to decrease clients’ negative thought processes.
  6. Practice two cognitive reappraisal strategies to decrease depression and anxiety.
  7. Distinguish between meditation and mindfulness-related states, and teach clients how to develop a personalized meditation program to improve wellbeing.
  8. Determine how diet and an anti-inflammatory lifestyle can improve the quality of mental health including stress, pain, mood, anxiety, and sleep.
  9. Appraise the research on the relationships between the microbiome, inflammation, and mood.
  10. Evaluate the science and clinical application of nutritional strategies using medicinal foods for treating disorders of mood, inflammation, and sleep.
  11. Investigate how different forms of exercise can affect key neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine in improving mood, anxiety, and depression.
  12. Utilize cognitive-behavioural and mindfulness-based approaches to improve clients’ sleep.
  13. Evaluate the research concerning the benefits of alternative therapies like Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
  14. Propose possible impact of toxins in clients’ environments that may exacerbate mental health disorders.
  15. Prepare clients to discuss with their medical providers the impact of their hormonal health on their mental health.
  16. Utilize three cognitive behavioural and lifestyle strategies to reduce substance misuse.
  17. Evaluate the science related to CBD and the natural endocannabinoid system and its potential role in mental health.
  18. Analyze risks and liability issues when engaging nutritional and integrative treatment methods as a mental health professional.

Copyright : 15/11/2021

Sleep and Mental Health: Non-Medication Interventions to Restore Sleep Quality and Improve Clinical Outcomes

How many of your clients have sleep issues?

Or maybe the real question is how many of your client don’t?

Where we used to think mental health problems caused insomnia, we now know that the relationship is more circular than casual. Risky and addictive, drugs aren’t the answer. But without addressing sleep issues, and intervening in this vicious cycle, your treatment plans for mental health issues will likely be less effective and yield less successful outcomes.

You CAN help your clients improve their sleep and make your treatment of mental health issues more effective than ever before … and you don’t need to be a sleep expert to do it!

Whether you work with anxiety, depression, trauma, bipolar or any other disorders, this one-day training will give you the sleep assessment tools and treatment techniques you need to guide clients out of their sleep deprived world so you can improve clinical outcomes.

Watch this training and discover how you can:

  • Naturally improve sleep in clients without the use of addictive medication
  • Identify sleep disorders and differentiate them from mental health symptoms
  • Improve sleep for clients of all ages – from kids to adults
  • Snap clients out of sleep-depriving habits with behavior-changing exercises

Purchase today, and add a new tool to your toolbox to bring greater healing to your clients through the power of sleep!

Program Information


  1. Analyze which mental health symptoms accompany the many sleep disorders and its clinical implications.
  2. Assess your clients’ symptoms for sleep disorders that impair mental health to improve treatment outcomes.
  3. Practice psychoeducation with clients to help them identify their individual optimal sleep needs for improved mental health and daily functioning.
  4. Develop an optimal individual sleep treatment plan for your clients and implement skills to help them adopt the sleep healthy lifestyle.
  5. Determine when referral for further sleep disorders treatment is an appropriate approach to manage symptoms.
  6. Evaluate the mechanisms by which insufficient sleep and sleep disorders contribute to mental health problems for purposes of client psychoeducation.

Copyright : 22/07/2022

Harnessing Mindfulness to Combat Cravings, Anxiety, and Addiction, and Habits in Mental Health Practice

What if the root of addiction isn’t in the substances itself, but somewhere deeper? While addiction can be difficult to overcome, mindfulness may offer a promising step forward in treating it. Through his clinical work and neuroscience research studies, as well as by developing digital therapeutics for habit change, Judson Brewer will discuss the elementary mental mechanism that promotes cravings and addictions which dates back to prehistoric days. He will explain how our brains employ reward-based learning and intermittent reinforcement to construct habits gradually; these habits are hard to break. In this session, Judson will describe why habits form and simple ways that we can break unhealthy ones ranging from smartphones to stress eating and even anxiety. He will also show how we can use these to build our natural capacities of awareness, kindness, and curiosity.

Program Information


  1. Participants will be able to analyze how habits are formed and perpetuated.
  2. Participants will be able to determine how mindfulness affects default mode network brain processes.
  3. Participants will be able to apply mindfulness approaches to change addictive habit patterns.

Copyright : 09/03/2023

Rediscovering Wonder: Cultivating Awe for Health, Happiness, and Connection

What do you feel when you gaze up at the Milky Way, listen to an incredible piece of music, or witness an act of great courage? This feeling, often complete with goosebumps, is awe—and researchers have discovered that cultivating it can create positive, lasting changes in physical and mental health. With a therapist’s help, clients can tap into awe as a powerful personal resource to promote hope, inspiration, and well-being. In this recording, you’ll explore: 

  • Why we experience awe, and the psychological impact of this universal human emotion 
  • How clients who seek out awe can not only improve emotional, physical, and brain health, but increase compassion, curiosity, and creativity 
  • Why some people are more disposed to awe than others and how to help all clients cultivate it in ways that help strengthen their connections with self and others 
  • Practical strategies for building an “awe menu” that’s unique to each client 

Program Information


  1. Assess the psychological impact of the experience of awe on stress and anxiety. 
  2. Demonstrate practical strategies for increasing awe in daily life that can reduce client symptoms. 
  3. Differentiate between clients who are more disposed or less disposed to awe to inform choice of intervention. 

Copyright : 06/01/2021