Full Course Description

Managing Challenging Patient Behaviors: 101 De-escalation Strategies for Healthcare Professionals

Expert Clinician Sonata Bohen, a psychiatric nurse practitioner and NEI Master Psychopharmacologist, knows well the challenges you are facing in practice right now. In today’s healthcare environment, there is reduced staffing and increased (at times the seemingly unrealistic) demands from patients, family members and other visitors can all contribute to burnout. Adding to the complicating factors, you are continually expected to achieve optimal patient outcomes, ensure safety and quality goals, and strive for even higher levels on satisfaction scores.

In this interactive seminar, expert clinician, Sonata will provide you with practical tips and tools that you can use immediately when faced with challenging patient and family behaviors. This program includes practical strategies to help you cope with difficult situations like crisis intervention, ETOH withdrawals, dementia, aggressive/violent behaviors, threats of serious harm, de-escalation techniques while maintaining patient and staff safety. The day will be filled with opportunities to apply many of these strategies through real patient situations, case studies and interactive discussions. Don’t miss this chance to learn new techniques you can implement successfully with your most difficult patients!

Program Information


  1. Determine criteria for high-risk behaviour.
  2. Apply interpersonal effectiveness skills to patient evaluation.
  3. Analyze effective strategies to de-escalate dangerous behaviour.
  4. Assess for the symptoms of major mental illness that interfere with treatment.
  5. Evaluate the effectiveness of your communication skills to de-escalate aggressive behaviour.
  6. Develop skills in rapid triage and response.

Copyright : 28/09/2021

Psychopharmacology of Trauma for Mental Health & Healthcare Professionals

You’ve seen clients and patients come in with a laundry list of medications and multiple diagnoses – PTSD, depression, anxiety and more.

Whether you’re a therapist, social worker, nurse or other healthcare practitioner knowing the in-and-outs of how trauma and comorbid mental health problems effect the brain and are impacted by medication is essential to your work.

In simple, easy-to-understand modules you’ll walk away with:

  • In-depth knowledge to enhance communication with treatment teams
  • Essentials of trauma’s impact on the brain and what it means for your work
  • Mastery of how medications interact with neurotransmitters to better understand medication function
  • Expertise on commonly prescribed medications, including side effects, benefits, side-by-side comparison of medications - including when and why they’re prescribed
  • Conjunctive strategies, lifestyle interventions & more!

Give your clients and patients the highest standard of care – learn the psychopharmacology of one of the most challenging and common clinical presentations, trauma and its comorbidities.

Program Information


  1. Build foundational understanding of trauma including development and comorbidities.
  2. Build framework for understanding how trauma impacts the brain development and function.
  3. Investigate how neurotransmitters and medication interact and impact clients afflicted with trauma symptoms.
  4. Evaluate commonly utilized psychotropic medications, including adverse effects, applications, interactions and brain pathways utilized.
  5. Assess non-pharmaceutical interventions in treatment planning.

Copyright : 25/05/2022

Challenging Geriatric Behaviors

This is the best seminar on challenging geriatric behaviors that you will ever attend - GUARANTEED! Watch Steven Atkinson, nationally-known expert, author and speaker on geriatrics, for a high-energy, dynamic seminar filled with interesting case studies, insightful discussions and interactive learning. You will leave this seminar with practical techniques that you can apply the next day!

Dealing with cognitively-impaired geriatric patients can be challenging even for the experienced healthcare professional. You will learn strategies to manage behaviors such as:

  • Dementia
  • Aggression
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Refusal of food and fluids
  • Inappropriate sexual advances

If older adults are routinely under your care, minimize your risk of escalating the problems associated with troublesome, often irrational behavior by attending this program. Gain valuable insights into the causes of challenging geriatric behaviors and learn innovative and practical intervention strategies to improve the care you provide.

Program Information


  1. Develop strategies to manage difficult behaviours in seniors who have an altered perception of reality.
  2. Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate sexual behaviours in individuals with dementia.
  3. Distinguish between normal sleeping patterns and bedtime issues which could lead to increased health problems.
  4. Analyze the physical and psychological changes that affect an elder’s desire and ability to eat including the changes in nutritional requirements.
  5. Apply current research findings to prevent and slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Determine environmental and behavioural triggers of agitation.
  7. Develop strategies to minimize or redirect wandering behaviour.

Copyright : 07/03/2022

Working with Trauma Survivors

Whether you’re a therapist or healthcare provider, missing client’s trauma cues can leave them with no path forward in life…

Co-occurring symptoms, complex trauma and other factors muddy the waters even more.

Gain the education to identify and assess critical variables with trauma survivors. Join Robert Lusk, PhD, and get training to:

  • Spot the differences between developmental, complex & other trauma types
  • Simplify diagnosis with updates from DSM-5-TR™
  • Assess for co-occurring disorders
  • Interpret current research for improved clinical outcomes
  • Conceptualize treatment through a trauma phase framework

Don’t miss the signs of trauma – help your clients get the treatment they need form the first visit – REGISTER NOW!

Program Information


  1. Determine the development of trauma and a trauma treatment framework.
  2. Analyze DSM-5-TR™ criteria and assessment of trauma disorders and comorbidities.
  3. Appraise trauma research and phases of trauma treatment.

Copyright : 19/07/2022