Full Course Description

Module 1 | CBT Fundamentals 

I knew that cognitive, behavioural, and mindfulness techniques could help my clients heal from conditions like overwhelming anxiety and crippling depression.    

But the way I was offering them—as relatively standalone interventions—felt incomplete.     

As much as I felt the need for a more grounded and fully rounded approach in my clinical practice, it took my own journey through major depression and chronic illness to reveal to me the full potential of mindful CBT.     

Mindfulness has helped my clients move beyond surface-level, autopilot existing, and to fundamentally change their relationship with the world and with themselves... while CBT’s powerful tools for shifting unhelpful thoughts and modifying ineffective behaviours gave them specific strategies to reduce symptoms and live better.     

I found that my clients were better able to accept themselves just as they were... to tolerate difficulty and disappointment... and to find a deeper peace that didn't depend on their circumstances.    

Together, mindfulness and CBT form the head (cognitive), hands (behavioural), and heart (mindfulness) of an integrated approach to living well.      

I am excited to share this program with you.     

With warm regards,     

Seth Gillihan  

Program Information


  1. Integrate mindfulness, cognitive, and behavioral interventions to improve clinical outcomes   
  2. Evaluate myths of mindfulness for purposes of client psychoeducation   
  3. Execute mindfulness practices for use with clients in session   
  4. Demonstrate how mindful decentering is beneficial in symptom management   
  5. Integrate mindfulness into clients’ everyday activities to improve their functioning   
  6. Appraise existing research on CBT for common psychological conditions   
  7. Complete a mindful CBT assessment of symptoms   
  8. Develop a mindful CBT case conceptualization to guide treatment planning   
  9. Construct a mindful CBT treatment plan to reduce symptoms   
  10. Compose a fear exposure hierarchy for common anxiety conditions   
  11. Conduct gradual exposure with mindful acceptance of discomfort and uncertainty  
  12. Design behavioral activation practices to promote mindful engagement   
  13. Utilize mindfulness-informed cognitive strategies to shift distorted thinking   
  14. Devise two mindfulness-based strategies to interrupt patterns of behavioral and emotional avoidance   
  15. Utilize mindfulness skills to increase clients’ ability to tolerate the discomfort of uncertainty   
  16. Practice mindful presence to reduce anxiety   
  17. Appraise the myth of control and the utility of worry   
  18. Apply mindful CBT techniques to address cognitive distortions and avoidance in social anxiety disorder  
  19. Demonstrate how mindful CBT interrupts the core processes that maintain OCD   
  20. Conduct imaginal, in vivo, and written exposure with mindfulness practices that assist clients in maintaining present orientation while revisiting past trauma   
  21. Perform mindfulness-informed cognitive restructuring for major depressive disorder   
  22. Develop strategies for mindful management of cravings and urges to use substances   
  23. Determine plans for managing triggers to undesired substance use   
  24. Respond mindfully to the rigid thoughts and behaviors that are common in personality disorders   
  25. Employ mindfulness-informed behavioral strategies that release client effort and control contributing to insomnia   
  26. Formulate three mindfulness-informed strategies to reduce suicidal risk   
  27. Integrate mindfulness and relapse prevention techniques   
  28. Utilize mindfulness practice to manage therapist stress   

Copyright : 22/01/2023

Module 2 | Anxiety Disorders and OCD 

Copyright : 22/01/2023

Module 3 | Trauma and PTSD  

Copyright : 22/01/2023

Module 4 | Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder  

Copyright : 22/01/2023

Module 5 | Alcohol and Substance Use Disorders

Copyright : 22/01/2023

Module 6 | Personality Disorders  

Copyright : 22/01/2023

Module 7 | Suicidality, Insomnia, & Special Topics

Copyright : 22/01/2023