Full Course Description

Treating Complex Trauma: Beyond Competency

Program Information


  1. Formulate how the mammalian arousal cycle and stress response informs current trauma treatment.
  2. Evaluate the application of the Polyvagal Theory to arousal states in clients with complex and/or developmental trauma.
  3. Employ two methods of grounding a dissociated client in session informed by the Polyvagal theory.
  4. Appraise the ACE study and apply its findings to clinical diagnosis and treatment of developmental and attachment trauma.
  5. Construct a de-pathologizing term and reframing behaviours as creative adaptations to dysfunctional environments.
  6. Determine the basics of neurodevelopment in early stages of life and theorize how attachment deficits, left unaddressed, continue to impact adults throughout the lifespan.
  7. Formulate how “attunement” is significant to human development, facilitating psychobiological systems and co-regulation between humans.
  8. Assess interventions for healing attachment-related trauma and constructing paths to earning secure attachment.
  9. Analyze the diagnostic criteria and clinical presentation of a person with Borderline Personality Disorder.
  10. Theorize the trajectory from birth of a highly sensitive infant to an adult with Borderline Personality Disorder.
  11. Distinguish between Borderline Personality Disorder and Complex PTSD diagnoses.
  12. Appraise the diagnostic criteria and clinical presentation of Complex PTSD.
  13. Evaluate the biochemistry of self-harm and its use as a means of affect regulation.
  14. Role-play a compassionate approach to self-destructive behaviours with clients in-session.
  15. Assess the importance of setting firm boundaries in the therapeutic relationship as it relates to setting boundaries can improve treatment outcomes.
  16. Debate the current theoretical basis for addiction treatment (i.e. addiction is a choice or a disease) compared to the biopsychosocial theory of addiction.
  17. Justify support or criticism regarding current use of treatment facilities and 12-step programs for addicted populations.
  18. Evaluate the success of 12-Step programs and support groups in traumatized populations.
  19. Role-play implementation of Janet’s Tri-Phase Model of Trauma Therapy within the therapy session.
  20. Debate the value of mindfulness as an effective approach to managing triggers across populations.
  21. Perform three mindfulness practices; include any clinical modifications for use with a traumatized population.
  22. Propose how somatic interventions enable clients to extinguish conditioned responses to procedural memories.
  23. Develop an argument for AND against the use of medications with traumatized clients.
  24. Formulate an argument for the use of touch in therapy that incorporates how touch may be incorporated safely into the therapeutic process.
  25. Appraise Shapiro’s 8-Phase Model of EMDR. Define and defend the modifications made to the protocol when using EMDR with clients with complex trauma.
  26. Determine the development of “parts” (component of IFS therapy) that result from trauma and how their function can be used as a resource for clients.
  27. Assess the theory and practice of Gestalt Therapy beyond the archetypal empty chair technique that can be incorporated into trauma treatment planning.

Copyright : 10/03/2020