Full Course Description

The Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (BCBT) Model

Program Information


  1. Analyze the Suicidal Mode and explore the ways in which it provides a map for treatment.
  2. Apply at least two means of interventions and evaluate their effectiveness in helping clients respond more successfully to stressful situations.

Copyright : 08/04/2020

The CAMS Care Model

Program Information


  1. Analyzes the CAMS model as an evidence-based, research-supported treatment for suicidal ideation and describes its effective use and flexibility with regards to integrating CAMS into various treatment modalities.
  2. Differentiates between indirect and direct drivers and explains how failure to investigate indirect drivers can lead to the activation of direct drivers and possible suicide.

Copyright : 15/04/2020

An Eclectic Practice Model for Suicidality

Program Information


  1. Develop an understanding of “meeting a client where they at” while gathering information needed in a therapeutic manner, when treating a client who is experiencing suicidal ideation.
  2. Appraise knowledge on effective therapeutic techniques used when meeting with a client who is experiencing suicidal ideation (ex. Hope Kits, suicide note to self).

Copyright : 17/04/2020

Session 04: Clinical Interviewing Skills for Suicidal Clients

Clinical Interviewing Skills for Suicidal Clients

Program Information


  1. Appraise and elaborate on the six dimensions for suicide treatment planning for the purpose of differentiating the various dimensions as it relates to possible triggers and mitigating factors of suicidal ideation for clients.
  2. Evaluate and support the benefits of positive psychology interventions for the purpose of improving treatment outcomes and decreasing suicidal ideation.

Copyright : 30/04/2020

Legal, Ethical, and Documentation Issues

Program Information


  1. Debate the ethical concerns of treating a suicidal client to improve the efficacy of treatment in reducing suicidal risk.
  2. Evaluate the legal implications of confidentiality, privilege, and privacy as they relate to suicidal clients and evaluate strategies for maintaining legal protection in the event of suicide.

Copyright : 07/04/2020

Chronic Suicidality and Self-Destructive Behavior

Chronically suicidal clients present a special kind of stress for therapists: there’s not only the emotional stress of working with their pain, but the additional burden of risk, responsibility, and anxiety.

When should we hospitalize a suicidal client?

How can we best assess when the level of suicidality is an immediate threat to life and safety?

What role should suicide contracts play in our work?

This workshop recording offers practical strategies for developing collaborative approaches with suicidal clients despite their resistance to help and transforming their relationships to self-destructive thoughts and impulses.

Program Information


  1. Determine the somatic effects of suicidal ideation and impulses for the purposes of psychoeducation.
  2. Evaluate the role of suicidality in a client’s survival or adaptation to trauma.
  3. Determine the three basic steps of the Fisher risk assessment tool.
  4. Distinguish body-centered interventions that can increase the client’s sense of control over unbearable emotions.
  5. Develop collaborative solutions to high-risk situations.

Copyright : 23/03/2019

A Collaborative Approach to Managing Suicidal Risk

With 71 percent of therapists reporting at least one client whose attempted suicide, helping people teetering on the precarious edge of suicidal ideation is one of the most important and scariest aspects of our work. This recording will give you a comprehensive road map for navigating assessment, treatment, and management for those at risk for suicide, as well as how to nurture a survivor’s potential for healing and resilience.

Program Information


  1. Assess current statistics on suicide and identify signs and symptoms that indicate suicidal ideation. 
  2. Analyze the CAMS Model for suicidality as it relates to clinical practice.
  3. Apply DBT, CBT, and other interventions to help clients emotionally regulate. 
  4. Determine the clinical implications of specific strategies that foster adaptation and resiliency, including somatic resourcing, remembered resources, art, writing, and mindfulness. 
  5. Differentiate common emotional and spiritual issues that survivors of complex trauma face, and discuss evidence-based strategies to help them rediscover personal strengths and the resiliency to move forward. 

Copyright : 22/03/2019